Medications during grid down/SHTF

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Medications during grid down/SHTF

Post by David »

If you take meds of any type, what is your plan for situations where the supply chain has been interrupted? Does your meds need to be refrigerated? What alternatives do you have, if any?
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Re: Medications during grid down/SHTF

Post by tom mac »

A number of studies have been done on (dry) pills meds.... Have shown that most are 90+% effective after ten years of reasonable storage

I manage to keep about a years worth of pills on hand for me and bride ( non major health issues ) and rotate them with new as I get them.
Still, TMK, there is no solution for some meds like insulin which need refrigeration and a shelf life of months max ( lucky not in that group since I lost weight )
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Re: Medications during grid down/SHTF

Post by bdc »

I looked up the information of diabetes. About 9-10% of the population. I also found a website for people who would consider making insulin for themselves. / Apparently, the problem is that it costs about $250 million to bring a new insulin onto the prescription market, so people are trying to work around it.

I am not on any medication. Diet and exercise are recommended for type 2 to obtain a potential reversal. If shtf, people will lose weight.

The problem for non-diabetics AND diabetics is that there is no inoculation for the common types of water borne viruses/bacteria that historically killed millions of people. so, focus on water and waste treatment.
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Re: Medications during grid down/SHTF

Post by Mac66 »

Fortunately at the age of 65 I'm only on one med which is to lower my heart rate after having a heart valve replacement several years ago. It's not critical and I can live without it. My wife (64) doesn't take any prescription meds.

My main concern is infection so antibiotics would be what I would stockpile. I was recently in Mexico on a cruise. In the cruise ports they advertise antibiotics (and other stuff) that you can buy OTC in the local drug stores but I didn't have time to check it out.
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Re: Medications during grid down/SHTF

Post by tom mac »

In the US, look into Fishmox, etc.. made in same factory as human antibiotics and no prescription needed. ... ntibiotics

Just be aware shelf life for many are about 5 yrs +
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Re: Medications during grid down/SHTF

Post by Quasar86 »

Another possibility is to look for like-minded healthcare providers to get samples or prescriptions from. Or ask your regular provider for a refill on antibiotics (for stockpiling). Kept in a dark, dry, stable temperature environment capsules and tablets can last a decade or more. The one exception is tetracycline but that is low on the list of emergency/survival meds.
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Re: Medications during grid down/SHTF

Post by David »

Quasar86 wrote: Wed Jan 01, 2020 5:33 pm Another possibility is to look for like-minded healthcare providers to get samples or prescriptions from. Or ask your regular provider for a refill on antibiotics (for stockpiling). Kept in a dark, dry, stable temperature environment capsules and tablets can last a decade or more. The one exception is tetracycline but that is low on the list of emergency/survival meds.
That's what my wife has done with her medications. She gets as much in advance as she can with what the insurance will allow.
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Re: Medications during grid down/SHTF

Post by bdc »

Well, with the Chinese New Year coming up, I expect that the latest virus from the PRC will spread. My grandfather died of the Spanish flu, so I have been researching epidemics for many years

Things to remember:
1. virus epidemics normally come in waves over three years;
2. by year two, some inoculation will be figured out; however, virus do mutate;
3. you cannot expect to stay at home with no contact with other humans for a month and avoid exposure - you may reduce the risk, but not 100%;
4. focus on setting aside some fresh water and easy to prepare foods;
5. get your digs clean and keep them clean now;
6. get your meds and dental work done. Kaiser's previous plans for epidemics included closing the facilities to flu victims.
7. get plenty of sunlight and exercise;
8. buy ahead on a few items - I am going to Costco now - to reduce your being in public places.
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Re: Medications during grid down/SHTF

Post by David »

Chinese just quarantined a whole city today. No flights in or out. Taking a lot of stringent precautions.
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