Pocket: Pistol or revolver?

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For pocket carry; pistol or revolver?

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Pocket: Pistol or revolver?

Post by David »

For pocket carry, which do you prefer; pistol like an LCP-type or a snub revolver? And why?
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Re: Pocket: Pistol or revolver?

Post by David »

I really like revolvers. Cut my teeth on them. Having said that, I haven't owned one in over a decade or more. The last ones I remember were a S&W 642 and 640.

These days my pocket carry (or IWB more often) is the LCP Max like we've discussed in other threads. Light, flat, 12+1 capacity and a front night sight.
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Re: Pocket: Pistol or revolver?

Post by Mac66 »

I'd like to point out that your survey choices are redundant, a revolver is a pistol. ;)

Having said that, I too cut my teeth on a revolver. In the past I used to carry a revolving pocket pistol, my current pocket pistol of choice is a semi auto LC9. 7+1 9mm with better ballistics than a 5 shot, 38spl. Not to mention that it is easier and quicker to reload should that need ever arise.


My original LC9 and a Charter Arms Off Duty 38 w/pocket hammer I gave to my dad and then got back when he died. It's the only small revolver I have left. I still have the LC9 but EDC a LC9s pro
Last edited by Mac66 on Sat Dec 16, 2023 10:35 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Pocket: Pistol or revolver?

Post by tom mac »

If I have to pocket carry... then its a SW mod 60 with a bob'ed hammer.

But then that is rare as I just IWB my semi...
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Re: Pocket: Pistol or revolver?

Post by Ronin.45 »

I pocket carry my 365 all the time. A little heavier than a Smith Airweight, but more compact and twice the capacity. Not to mention more powerful and shootable.
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Re: Pocket: Pistol or revolver?

Post by Bob »

Very rarely pocket carry. But it is my EC9 (and the right pants) when I do.

Don't own a revolver that would fit, but I think a light weight DA snub would work just fine.

I voted revolver because I just think it would be a nondescript lump more so than a semi.
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Re: Pocket: Pistol or revolver?

Post by David »

Bob wrote: Thu Dec 21, 2023 8:03 am I voted revolver because I just think it would be a nondescript lump more so than a semi.
I would think just the opposite. A revolver, even a snub has the cylinder that's going to be fatter in the pocket than a flat, slim pistol. The LCP for example is less than an inch thick. For example, the Max slide width is only 0.81 of an inch thick and 10.6 ounces (about 14 ounces loaded with a 12-round mag). A S&W 442 (as an example) is 1.3 inches thick and 14.6 ounces unloaded (probably around 19 ounces or more loaded).

Both metrics are fairly significant in the pocket. Not to mention the capacity difference and overall shootablility.
A man cannot call himself peaceful if he is not capable of violence. If he's not capable of violence he isn't peaceful, he is harmless. There is a distinct difference.

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