Is it over...let's take a look

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Is it over...let's take a look

Post by David »

I don't watch the MSM. They have become nothing more than a propaganda machine. They no longer research to present factual information, rather, they attempt to indoctrinate rather than educate.

As a result, I watch alternative media. They seem a lot more committed to uncovering and presenting the truth and time and again are showing themselves to be correct in a lot of what they present.

In a recent thread it has been proposed that it's all over, we lost the country. I present this to demonstrate that though things move slow (for a reason), they are indeed moving in the right direction.

*Macron has lost his majority.
*Boris Johnson has resigned.
*Bio labs in Ukraine destroyed (cutting off $ to the deep state).
*Maxwell sentenced to prison.
*Georgia Guide Stones removed (I posted this in another thread. The Guide Stones were the NWO 10 commandments which included human de-population i.e. reducing the worlds population to 500 million. A bomb damaged one stone and the rest were demolished. Which is odd that the whole thing was taken down so quickly while presumably an investigation would be going on).
*Roe V. Wade was overturned.
*Supreme Court upholding 2A.
*Men can no longer complete in woman's sports.
*CRT exposed.
*Kalifornia and New York weapons bans overruled.
*L.A. vaccine mandate for children overruled.
*Mask mandate overruled.
*Vaccine mandate overruled.
*Supreme Court rules illegals can't vote. ... e-people/

Things have been and are happening. Remember it took a long time to get the country/world into this position, it takes time to right the wrongs. Be patient, be of good courage.
A man cannot call himself peaceful if he is not capable of violence. If he's not capable of violence he isn't peaceful, he is harmless. There is a distinct difference.

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Re: Is it over...let's take a look

Post by David »

A man cannot call himself peaceful if he is not capable of violence. If he's not capable of violence he isn't peaceful, he is harmless. There is a distinct difference.

Fate whispers to the warrior "You cannot weather this storm". The warrior replies, "I am the storm".
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Re: Is it over...let's take a look

Post by bdcochran »

1.I do not believe that there has been a silent war.
2. I do not believe that there are just two sides.

Year 1949. Me. 3 years old, playing in WW2 bomb shelters on a US military base. I am wondering why Japan was the most hideous enemy of the US a few years earlier and now was announced on the radio as our best friend. So when I grew up I studied Japanese and visited the country more than once.

I also remember thinking at that young age that grownups has really made a mess of the world and when kids my age grew up, it would be different. I was wrong, of course.

I appreciate that there are many people in the world who want to control my life who can't control themselves and who want to exploit me. They can be found in the Deep State and also in the self-styled Patriots.

No David, it is not over. You have a fine new home in a pleasant community. Being retired, you have an expanded opportunity to help and guide younger people. Example. I have a younger brother who is retired and was very successful. He does a zoom meeting with three young men relatives of his wife in the country teaching them about taxes and investments every Sunday. He gives similar guidance to local young relatives of his wife.

I had an aunt who did not have "a job" other than volunteering to work at Cedars-Sinai Hospital for 18 years although she was worth millions.

If a person wants to be negative, just wait until the Governor of California runs and is elected president. The only difference between him and the current president is a matter of age. Oh, and the governor has dyslexia
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Re: Is it over...let's take a look

Post by Bob »

It isn't over - but it is in decline, and it is moving away from what it could be, or even was, and to what it will become. Once upon a time, England was more "free" than the US is today.

Freedom is for pioneers. Lattes are for people who are happy being controlled. Most people want Latte, not freedom. We will continue electing sociopaths, and they will continue to grow their power until we lose most of our freedom, and then a real bad actor will gain control. Then you wait for the revolution.

Will we live to see that? No. But will we all live to see a United States that is more under the influence of China than you can even imagine now? Yes.
Will we live to see a United States more like France is now? Yes.

In the next 25 years? Maybe, maybe not.
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Re: Is it over...let's take a look

Post by David »

As stated in the OP...things are happening. It takes planning and execution to drain the swamp (not just here but around the world). I think things are going to be getting ramped up in short order.

Stay tuned.
A man cannot call himself peaceful if he is not capable of violence. If he's not capable of violence he isn't peaceful, he is harmless. There is a distinct difference.

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Re: Is it over...let's take a look

Post by bdcochran »

I do believe that there is swamp. I do not believe that it will ever be drained. I share the impression that things are happening. Moreover, the ups and downs of the economy have had a financial impact on me. However, I am a saver like most people on this forum.

The biggest challenges are to have a Plan A, Plan B and Plan C.

The priority is always good health. Currently, obtaining appointments for routine medical maintenance have a delay of upwards of two months in my area. My dentist cancelled a cleaning last week because he was sick. Maybe he will show up for the rescheduled appointment for today.
About a month ago, with advance planning, I set record of five routine appointments and services at Kaiser in one day. Everything was ok. No prescriptions. Moreover, I was not charged anything. The Kaiser challenge is that you cannot schedule an appointment more than 90 days out because of the computer and most appointments take two months.
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Re: Is it over...let's take a look

Post by David »

224 out of 303 companies have stopped advertising on The ReidOut, Joy Reid on MSNBC, one of the most racist and pro-Critical Race Theory shows on television. ... cle_no=991

1,020 out of 1,028 companies stop advertising at terror-linked aka Al Jazeera America as of June 30, 2022. ... cle_no=833

1,803 companies stopped advertising at after being urged to pull off the website because it supports the Islamist political agenda and spews vitriolic propaganda that inspires leftist hate. ... cle_no=831
A man cannot call himself peaceful if he is not capable of violence. If he's not capable of violence he isn't peaceful, he is harmless. There is a distinct difference.

Fate whispers to the warrior "You cannot weather this storm". The warrior replies, "I am the storm".
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Re: Is it over...let's take a look

Post by bdcochran »

Take the assertions of the with a grain of salt.

1 Never watched TheReidOut. If you research Joy Reid and her husband, you learn that they are very educated and have created a niche following. Doesn't mean that she correct, just observing from a business perspective. Being temperate, fair, objective doesn't cut it. You have to be controversial, write a cookbook, say outrageous things to gain an audience. Or you can be a washed up Hollywood wanna be claiming to have had an illicit affair with a major star just to get the publicity.

2. Huffington Post. Mrs. Huffington went from being a Republican to being a radical progressive. The quasi-collective, cooperative news empire she created turned out to be hers along. She sold it as it was failing and did not share the proceeds with the radical progressives who thought she would. Again, a good business acumen. She really did a number on the others. They needed the wakeup.

3. I watch it in English. I am not a dupe. The American based pay deal failed in the business, not because of beating the drum. I have free Roku through a Roku device that cost me under $33. A lot of pay sites are failing and will fail. I am not paying for the Disney channels, Hulu, Netflics. I do exercises during commercials, dump the trash, clean the den and so forth.

I don't find the news service to be biased in ALL of its coverages. I look at the Ukraine War news on the channel and the only it differs from the other free coverages is that is more objective in its reporting.
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