3/4th the new 'E'

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Re: 3/4th the new 'E'

Post by bdcochran »

Used to deal with 110 gas station company. Was told years ago the following: 1. the storage capacity of cars in the county was 4 x the amount of storage space in gas stations; 2. most people drive around on near empty; 3. whenever people panic and mob the gas stations, it is not possible to meet the demand and stations either have to raise the price or close up.
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Re: 3/4th the new 'E'

Post by David »

A man cannot call himself peaceful if he is not capable of violence. If he's not capable of violence he isn't peaceful, he is harmless. There is a distinct difference.

Fate whispers to the warrior "You cannot weather this storm". The warrior replies, "I am the storm".
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