Deal Alert Thread

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20% off at shoptaurus .com

Post by Mac66 »

A Halloween 20% off sale at

Not sure how long the sale be there but as of today its still running. Or you could wait for black Friday.

Their viridian weapons light with power pack is $109. 20% off would put it at around $87.

I bought during their last sale. Carry the power pack with my phone.
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50% off

Post by Mac66 »

Black Friday sale going on now.

Good deals on the RX100 for $50, and TRS125 $60 red dot sights and the BC 1000 laser range finder for $75.

I have couple of the RX100 sights and have been eyeing the TRS. Thinking about the range finder as well.

Other scopes and binocs on sale as well.
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Bushnell RXS100 micro red dot sight $50

Post by Mac66 » has a sale on RXS 100 red dot right now for half off i.e, $49.98

This is a pretty good micro sight. I had one on my Taurus G3c Toro slide and on a TX22. I eventually replaced the Toro one with a Holosun I bought on sale but the Bushnell worked fine on the 9mm and works well on the TX22 competition mofel. These are good little sights. I put the one from the Toro on a 10/22 and I just ordered 2 more to put on other plinkers.
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Re: Deal Alert Thread

Post by Mac66 »

My RXS 100 sights came in today. Initially they are going on my SU16 and maybe my UZI. Or one of my 10/22s. Can't decide yet.
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Re: Deal Alert Thread

Post by Mac66 »

Sale ended on Sunday but they were also being sold on Amazon for the same price. Next time Bushnell has a sale check Amazon as well. Price is now 69.99 in both places.

They also have the TRS 25 hi rise red dot on sale for $67.99. This is a pretty decent red dot for an AR with the riser or on any rifle w/o the riser. Checking my SU16 I found I already had a TRS 25 on it. It is low enough to use the iron sights as well as looking good. Now I tempted to get another one. Interesting the hi-rise is cheaper than the regular low mount one.

My SU16 with TRS 25. BTW that stock pouch holds a 20 rnd mag. The stock itself holds a 30 round mag. This is my grab and go truck gun. It folds and fits in a tennis racket case.

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