Current events and self-defense

The section on firearms, knives, bows, improvised and other weaponry. Defensive tactics, self defense, martial arts. Home and personal security. Includes ballistics, modifications and maintenance.
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Current events and self-defense

Post by David »

I saw a recent bit of information that the number of military aged males that have illegally crossed the border now outnumber the military 6-to-1. Add that to the fact that there are weapon caches and terror cells around the country and it is a bad combination. On top of that, with the election rapidly closing in there is no telling what may occur and where.

Has anyone here taken an special precautions?
A man cannot call himself peaceful if he is not capable of violence. If he's not capable of violence he isn't peaceful, he is harmless. There is a distinct difference.

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Re: Current events and self-defense

Post by tom mac »

Always keeping my friends close... and prepared for normal crap.
Also don't go to crowd events like concerts, big football games and NYC.
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Re: Current events and self-defense

Post by David »

I bought a couple of P365 Macro 17-round mags for my XL. They come with three different base plates depending on the model you using. Which is a very nice option to include in the package so you don't have to buy it separately. So instead of a 12-round mag in the pistol I now have 17+1 as well as the spare mag.

The X is in the sling bag with a 15=round mag and a couple of 10-round mag spares.
A man cannot call himself peaceful if he is not capable of violence. If he's not capable of violence he isn't peaceful, he is harmless. There is a distinct difference.

Fate whispers to the warrior "You cannot weather this storm". The warrior replies, "I am the storm".
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Re: Current events and self-defense

Post by tom mac »

I always buy my extra mags in 10 capacity... for 2 reasons ; 1 ) NY sucks on that 2) I travel with my gun to other states re LEOSA and many of the east coast states limit to 10.
Don't want the extra large mags in my travel bag just in case.
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Re: Current events and self-defense

Post by Ronin.45 »

The world has been crazy for years. Being prepared is nothing new. I don't expect anything different in my semi-rural lifestyle based on immigration and elections. My normal setup is fine.
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Re: Current events and self-defense

Post by Bmyers »

I haven't purchased any gun related items, except some ammo. I'm waiting for Illinois's gun ban to work its way through the courts.

I have encouraged several to get their care permits. We hosted a class at our church and got 10 people through the class. I figure the more good guys and gals with guns the better off we are.
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Re: Current events and self-defense

Post by Mac66 »

I'm guessing that Trump's survival will trigger more violence when /if he wins in Nov. ANTIFA and other radical leftists will burn cities to the ground.

I will be at my woods house through most of the fall through the end of November so I'm covered i think.
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Re: Current events and self-defense

Post by bdcochran »

1. No extra protection. Survival is a function of tools, skills and physical health. As I figured out 40 years ago, I probably had too many tools, was taking skills classes, one after another. I knew that the physical would be the big challenge when I got older. Finally arrived there. Wear heavy work boots all day to keep up physical conditioning every time I move.

There have been terror cells in the US forever. There have been spies/traitors forever as well. The greater likelihood is that I will die in a car accident or of some circulatory disease. Two kinds of problems in the world - those you can do something about and those you can't do anything about. I focus on what I can do to cut my risks.
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Re: Current events and self-defense

Post by Mac66 »

I drove to southern Kentucky yesterday to attend a family reunion (wife's side) today (Sat). It's about an 8 hour drive one way. Drove home today,

I took my EDC and packed an extra trunk gun. In this case it was Keltec SU16 folding rifle. Uses AR mags and ammo. Fits into a tennis racket case. Didn't think I would need it but trying to get used to carrying it JIC. Drove my wife's small SUV.


Not exactly as shown. Currently set up with a red dot sight, stock pouch holds one 20 rnd mag. The stock itself holds a 30 rounder and I have 2x30 mags in the case. That should be enough to fight one's way out of trouble though I didn't expect much problems back in the hills of KY. But one has to drive through Detroit, Toledo, Dayton, Cincinnati, Lexington and few other urban areas on the way down and back on the I-75 corridor. One never knows what could happen in the world to set off a riot or crisis. Better to be prepared and not need it than need it and not have it.
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Re: Current events and self-defense

Post by Bob »

Nothing special. But I carry a lot more these days....
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