On The Beach-Movie

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On The Beach-Movie

Post by Mac66 »

It's the end of the world...

On the Beach 2000
This is a remake of the original 1959 movie based on the book by Nevil Shute. The newer one stars Armand Assanti and Rachel Ward.

Basically its the story of a US submarine that is the only survivor of a nuclear exchange between the US and whoever which kills everybody in the northern hemisphere and all the land contaminated with fallout. The sub makes it's way to Australia to liaise with the last remaining govt. But the fallout it heading their way.

Knowing that his family is dead back in the states the Captain takes up with the sister in law of the liaison officer assigned to his boat. The sub, with the Aussie liaison officer and a scientist are tasked with returning to the west coast of the US to track down a signal. I remember reading the book back in the day and seeing the original movie. Very good drama but very depressing story.

On The Beach 1959
The original film adaptation of Nevil Shute's classic novel. The sub commander is played by Gregory Peck, the love interest by Ava Gardner.

Both films are pretty good. The original filmed in 1959 but set in 1964 represents the cold war era in which it is based. The newer one was filmed in 2000 and shows a little more modern take on the decisions that everyone has to make as they face the end of the world and presumptuously of human civilization.

Bottom line...very depressing story and a good reason to avoid nuclear war.
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