Laser training

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Laser training

Post by Mac66 »

I seem to remember someone here mentioning using a laser training thingy to practice. At the Outdoorama yesterday which I was working at the MGO booth. Things got slow close to closing time so I walked around and found a guy selling them. Basically it's a bullet size insert into the chamber that triggers when hit by the striker/firing pin. I played around with it and it was pretty fun. The whole kit came with a target, stand to hold your cell phone to record hits through their app. I ended up buying one.


So today I drove across the state to see my new grandson and I was telling my son about it. He had discovered them a while ago and brought his out. I bought a 9mm. he had both a 9 & 45. Turns out you can buy just the inserts on amazon for less than $20/ea. at least the 45. The one I bought is Sure Shot but amazon has the same thing under various other names. Now thinking of getting a 380 to use in my LCP and for my wife's S&W EZ.

With a striker fired pistol you have to reset the trigger after each pull. I dug out my Taurus G3c which has a second strike trigger. It worked real good with the G3c and my original Ruger LC9 which is a double action.. I'm probably going to order a 45 off of amazon to use with my Ruger P97 which is also a double action.

The kit I bought (Sure Shot) included a tri-pod cell phone stand, target and an app for recording hits with different variations.
Last edited by Mac66 on Tue Feb 27, 2024 8:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Laser training

Post by Mac66 »

After playing with it last night I've found some good and bad things with the laser kit.

The good...
Kind of fun
Hits are easy
It has a shot timer. I was drawing, firing, hitting the target from 7 yards in about 2-2.5 seconds at the beginning. After doing it awhile I got it down to just under 1 second by point shooting.

The bad...
Lacks recoil. It helps with trigger pull and sight alignment but not sure how much benefit it is without recoil.
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