E bikes

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E bikes

Post by Bogart »

I know people might consider these kids toys but late last year I picked up two of these. One for the wife and one for me. We are both over 55. These things are pretty cool and useful.

Pretty rugged but not a mountain bike. 300 lb capacity and an advertised range of 40 miles. I'm 250 lbs and got 30 miles on my longest ride with about 15% battery left. I won't tell you my wife's weight for fear of death but just over half of me. She had about 40% battery left. These things will go 25mph on a straight away, have 4 electric assist speeds. We didn't use 3rd or 4th on our trip.

Aventon Level I think is the brand. Kind of pricey, around $1400 each with a bunch of accessories but useful and fun. They are kind of heavy around 60 lbs each.
We got a pair of helmets with Bluetooth so we can talk to each other on our rides.

I can see these being useful in a shtf situation.

Anyone else have one of these?
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Re: E bikes

Post by Mac66 »

Interesting. As we get older we started looking at e bikes. Some friends of our just bought some and they haul them around on their camper. Very useful for sight seeing when out on vacation.
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Re: E bikes

Post by Erich »

Wow, I live near a mountain and increasingly see these in use on the trails. Like you, I have often thought these would be useful in a SHTF situation.
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