Sold my XD40

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Sold my XD40

Post by Mac66 »

I bought an XD40 back in the day and added a Lakeland 9mm conversion barrel. It was kind of a stash away, zombie apocalypse gun.

I also bought a 9mm conversion bbl for my Glock 22 which I used more often.

The XD became redundant. Trying to thin the herd somewhat. Of course that leaves me with only one 40.

Redundancy is good but I could use the money for tractor implements. So I sold it for what I had in it and got a decent price for it.

I have about 20 more guns I'll be selling in the next couple months.
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Re: Sold my XD40

Post by Erich »

I wish I'd get off my rear to do the same thing - I keep looking at similarly situated guns and thinking, "Yeah, but they're not really worth the hassle of selling them, and I could always give them away if the SHTF . . . " and then I keep them. Sometimes someone I know will need a gun along those lines and I'll make them a present - anyhow, thanks for getting me thinking about it again. :)
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Re: Sold my XD40

Post by Mac66 »

Erich wrote: Sun Apr 09, 2023 9:24 pm I wish I'd get off my rear to do the same thing - I keep looking at similarly situated guns and thinking, "Yeah, but they're not really worth the hassle of selling them, and I could always give them away if the SHTF . . . " and then I keep them. Sometimes someone I know will need a gun along those lines and I'll make them a present - anyhow, thanks for getting me thinking about it again. :)
Fortunately we have a local gun forum that has a "marketplace" for buying, selling, trading guns. It sometimes takes awhile but they usually sell. And I've picked up some really good deals.

Most of the guns I'm going to sell are guns I've picked up over the years, usually cheap, because I was interested in them not because I needed them. Some are vintage, some are redundent. For example I have 5 SKSs bought back when they were less than $100 but are now worth 6 or 7x that. I'll keep a couple but I don't really need 5. I have 4 AKs. 8 AR15s, 15 shotguns, 12 deer rifles 3 45 autos. About 30 22 rifles not to mention a bunch of other rifles and pistols of various kinds.

The good stuff goes to my sons, some I'll keep to hunt/shoot up at the woods house but I really need to clear out a lot of it. The 20 or so I've targeted for sale are really just a fraction of what I have so it's not like I'm dumping everything.
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Re: Sold my Stevens 30-30

Post by Mac66 »

I had an old (made in 1947) Stevens 30-30 bolt action rifle I picked up at a garage sale about 10 years ago for $100. It was in like new condition and I never shot it. This one had a detachable magazine. One of the advantages of a mag fed 30-30 is that you can use pointed bullets in it unlike a tube fed lever action. Sold it last week for $270.

Money from this and all future gun sales will be put toward implements for my tractor.

Update...just found a used disc harrow and a brush hog. Will be picking them on Saturday.

Next up for sale is my Ruger LC9. Its the original double action trigger version.
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Re: Sold my XD40

Post by Mac66 »

Decided to also sell my XD45, My vintage (1946) Remington Mod 11 Sportster 12 ga shotgun and my vintage (1947) Remington Model 81 semi auto rifle.
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