New charger

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New charger

Post by David »

I finally broke down and ordered a new lithium ion charger. I still can't find my other two Nitecore chargers. They are in a box somewhere in the bowels of the garage. So I bought a Nitecore D2 digital charger. Been using it all day as it's been over a year and a half since I charged up most of my lithium ion batteries. Mainly 26650, 18650 and 14500 but a few others as well.

One thing I noticed is that half of my Trustfire 26650 batteries still had charge in them, even after a year and a half or more. That's pretty impressive and gives me some confidence in them. One was completely dead but it seems to be taking a charge albeit very slow. It's been on the charger all day. But the bars are going up and it is firing up my flashlights when I tested it. Gotta give them a thumbs up.
A man cannot call himself peaceful if he is not capable of violence. If he's not capable of violence he isn't peaceful, he is harmless. There is a distinct difference.

Fate whispers to the warrior "You cannot weather this storm". The warrior replies, "I am the storm".
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Re: New charger

Post by Erich »

Nice! Thanks for the report!
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Re: New charger

Post by David »

We started back cleaning up the garage and I finally found my other two Nitecore chargers. Well, nice to have redundancy :lol:

Now I can charge up to 10 batteries at a time so that's a plus.
A man cannot call himself peaceful if he is not capable of violence. If he's not capable of violence he isn't peaceful, he is harmless. There is a distinct difference.

Fate whispers to the warrior "You cannot weather this storm". The warrior replies, "I am the storm".
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