Covid revisited

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Covid revisited

Post by Mac66 »

So we've (wife and I) been in Florida for three weeks (one week in between on a cruise) and just got home Saturday. I visit my 96 year old mother on Mondays and Tuesdays. My older brother visits her on Thur & Fri, my younger brothers visit on Sat and Sun. My sister on Weds and multiple times a week since she lives close to where my my mom stays.

My older brother and his wife who were visiting last Thur & Fri just tested positive for Covid today as did my mother. That means both my other brothers have been exposed (Sat & Sun) not to mention their wives and in one case my youngest brothers' pregnant daughter and son in law who just moved back to Mich and are staying with them. I was exposed today when I visited my mother and surely exposed my wife when I gave her a great big kiss when I got home as she was going out the door to visit her mother who has alzeimers and is in a facility.

It will be interesting to see who else gets it and how severe the symptoms are. So far my mother only has mild (gunky throat) symptoms and my brother and his wife report congestion, headache, fatigue.

Kind of a bummer for me because I'm supposed to have my knee replaced next Tuesday.

I did go for my pre-op doctor evaluation today (Tues) and they did a swab test which came back neg. However, it usually takes 2-3 days after exposure to test +. I did not tell them of my exposure yesterday. Everyone there was masked and gloved.

No symptoms but I will test today. It sometimes takes 2-4 days to develop. I think I have to go in for a pre-op covid test anyway the day before (Monday).
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Re: Covid revisited

Post by Mac66 »

Tested Wed and Thurs and was negative.

Woke up last night with plugged sinuses and really scratchy throat but tested negative this morning. Now the throat thing might because I volunteered/worked the Michigan Gun Owner's booth at the Outdoorama. It's an annual outdoor show we participate in. I was there 9 hours yesterday and talked to hundreds of people, so my voice was a little raspy when I got home anyway. Not used to talking so much. So hopefully that's it.
Last edited by Mac66 on Fri Feb 24, 2023 11:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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tom mac
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Re: Covid revisited

Post by tom mac »

Good luck with knee...
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Re: Covid revisited

Post by Mac66 »

tom mac wrote: Fri Feb 24, 2023 9:18 am Good luck with knee...


I did just get back from the drive up clinic to get covid tested just to make sure. Waiting on the results.

Negative for covid so I'm good to go for the surgery.
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