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9mm spanks .38 Special and rivals .357 magnum!

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2022 2:04 pm
by David
I don't recall if I've posted this before or not, but it's interesting enough for it's own thread.

Re: 9mm spanks .38 Special and rivals .357 magnum!

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2022 2:49 pm
by aerynsun
Go to 14:07 for stats.


Re: 9mm spanks .38 Special and rivals .357 magnum!

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 2:34 pm
by Erich
I had (and foolishly let go) a 940 no-dash back in the late Nineties. Put over 2k rounds of Blazer through it, as well as lots of other stuff. (The aluminum Blazer and the +P rounds tended to stick in the cylinder, which I believe was the reason for the later -1 variant of this gun.) I presently have a SP-101 in 9x19 (one of the new versions - the moon clips don't interchange.)

I can report that shooting the 9x19 in a J-frame revolver leaves a fellow with a healthy respect for the round - it's certainly more akin (in velocity and recoil) to a .357 than a standard pressure .38. (The SP is a lot more pleasant to shoot than the 940 was.) And the rounds are so, so cheap for practice (I recall I was giving $4.88 per box of 50 Blazers delivered back then.) And the reloads . . . well, they were faster in my S&W and in the old-model SP-101s (the new model SPs use stupid easy-to-load/unload moons that jiggle too much for fast reloads): I got to where I was essentially throwing the 5-shot Ranch Products full moons into the J-frame's open cylinder. Practice really helps. ;)

Just for kicks, I offer the following chrono data (5980'>sea level, c. 65 degrees F, c. 15% humid) from my 2.25" SP-101 9x19:
S&B 124-gr ball - M 1085 fps/spread 20.33/deviation 8.36
Remington Golden Saber 124-gr +P BJHP bonded M 1174/S 28.40/D 12.24
Winchester Ranger 127-gr +P+ RA9TA M 1249/S 34.06/D 14.10
Speer Gold Dot 147-gr JHP M 954.9/S 33.92/D 13.41
Federal 115-gr +P JHP 9BPLE M 1246/S 42.60/D 17.80
