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Aliens (the outer space variety)

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 10:00 am
by David
Bob made the following comments in the 'Prepping Meme' thread in response to a picture I posted with Cody Lundin.
Bob wrote: Fri Mar 26, 2021 6:16 am HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

I was gonna ask "How are we prepped for the Aliens"

Lot of potential discussion/evidence coming out....
I thought this deserved it's own thread because it opens up some rather deep topics and long rabbit trails. Now to be clear, I love Star Trek/Star Wars, but I do not believe in 'space aliens' i.e. intelligent life living on other planets and visiting this planet. I'll touch on that in a moment. I've noticed that both Hollywood and the MSM have been preparing the public for 'aliens' for many years. At one time it was kinda-sorta secretive and in the realm of the tin foil hat wearer. But I noticed a couple of years ago information coming out on the Tucker Carlson show on Fox (just to name one MSM show) and there have been other venues including articles etc. The Catholic Church strongly believes in aliens and their arrival and have been not-so-secretly preparing for their arrival. I find that interesting. They have an observatory with a telescope (IIRC) called Lucifer, which I also find interesting.

So it would appear that they are getting the public desensitized to the idea. Why? What is the agenda?

As for me, I do believe in UFO's, alien abductions and alien visitation and alien influence/interference on our planet. Wait...what!?! Didn't I start this conversation out with 'I don't believe in space aliens'? Yes, that is what I said. I don't believe in space aliens. I believe that all of these unexplained (so far) events are of demonic origin i.e. extra-dimensional beings that we refer to as angels and fallen angels. I believe that this planet was once controlled by the Nephilim which led to the flood of Genesis. The Nephilim are the race of giants that Moses spoke of in the book of Genesis and that David fought prior to being king of Israel. Yes, I know...this conversation just took a sharp left turn and now we're mixing 'religion' into the mix. I'll offer a video that I found very interesting by a man named Chuck Missler.

Re: Aliens (the outer space variety)

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 10:42 am
by Bmyers
With the way last year was and the way this year has started, why not throw some aliens into the mix. Although, I'm fairly sure after being here for 10 minutes that they would get the heck out of Dodge.

Re: Aliens (the outer space variety)

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 10:53 am
by David
Bmyers wrote: Fri Mar 26, 2021 10:42 am With the way last year was and the way this year has started, why not throw some aliens into the mix. Although, I'm fairly sure after being here for 10 minutes that they would get the heck out of Dodge.

Just saw this posted elsewhere...

UFOs harassed US warships off California: report by the New York Post. ... ia-report/

Re: Aliens (the outer space variety)

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 1:50 pm
by tom mac
as long as the Aliens bring own TP... it's going to be short again as the Evergreen is stopping the Suez canal from operating

Re: Aliens (the outer space variety)

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 4:19 pm
by Ronin.45
It's always interesting to hear people's theories.

Re: Aliens (the outer space variety)

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 6:04 pm
by tom mac
I think they're out there.... just smart enough not to come here to the backwards planet

Re: Aliens (the outer space variety)

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 12:36 pm
by Bmyers
tom mac wrote: Fri Mar 26, 2021 6:04 pm I think they're out there.... just smart enough not to come here to the backwards planet
I think you are 100% correct.

Re: Aliens (the outer space variety)

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 3:58 pm
by Bob
I look at it as sort of like Zombies. A good metaphor. If you are ready for the problems an "invasion" would cause, you are ready for whatever.

I am neither here nor there on Space Aliens. The math says yes, the timing / lack of evidence says no. Recently though lots coming out.

Now - illegal aliens - whole other matter. Absolutely real, despite what the media/current admin labels them.

Re: Aliens (the outer space variety)

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 5:59 pm
by Mac66

Re: Aliens (the outer space variety)

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 5:49 pm
by Strayz
One of the best Memes I saw recently about why Aliens don't come here.

Over radio type communications.

A: So you can turn off your pain receptors?
H: well not when we want to, more like a panic response to great danger.

A: And you can lift 10-200 times your own body weight?
H: Yeah but that is pure adrenaline and again rarely happens but more of a fight or flight response. There have been a few documented cases of people picking up cars with one hand, but again it is supper rare.

A: and you live in a Highly volatile chemical environment with out bursting in to flames or even getting harmed?
H: Huh? We breathe air, do you not?

A: Your bodies regenerate cells and replace themselves as they age?
H: Not really like that? I mean we "can heal after a bit."

A: and the substance you need to survive can contains Sodium, Oxygen and Dihydrogen Oxide? (salt, Oxygen and water to survive. Chemically some of the more volatile substances out there.)
H: (Visibly confused.)

A: So how long has your civilization gone with out warring amongst itself?
H: Ugh that is kinda a tricky question.

A: (cuts radio chatter.) Hey Chuck Pack it up, we are out of here. These Immortal Monsters of destruction and hellfire can self heal as well. Yeah, we can not bring them to the Galactic Empire, They would try and take over with in a week. Yeah lets leave them in the stone age and put a giant warning to everyone to stay far far away from them....