Most of us are older. So I will make this as easy as possible:
1. Find the Bieliski brothers book.
This will teach you who to organize a survival group, allocate resources, and leadership that is needed. That family expanded to over 1000 humans during a wartime.
2. Hear Mark Felton's oral description of how the Jews organized and fought the Nazis in the Warsaw Ghetto. This is a free three part series on youtube. You don't have to buy anything.
3. Learn mantracking, not just taking a class in animal tracking. You need to be able to decipher activities and intentions from reading clues left by human beings. If you take only animal tracking you will end up like the famous animal tracker, Tom Brown, who took those skills to track an armed man and was shot. If you take mantracking, you won't make that mistake.
4. Train yourself in situational awareness. Start when you are about leave home and go somewhere. Take different routes. Note who has an open garage and what is in it. Where are the fruit trees. Who has a tractor. Who has a bicycle.
5. Two of you guys just build retirement homes. Measure distances and make written notes like if I go the front door, how far is it to the edge of the pond. Or how far is it to the tree where the main road hits my driveway.
Defensive tactics
Re: Defensive tactics
Good stuff Bd