I found the answer online. Basically a bucket with a trap door. The mouse climbs the ramp, sees/smells the bait, gets out about halfway onto the platform and falls into the bucket. The counter weight resets the platform. You fill the bottom of the bucket up with antifreeze which drowns, poisons and pickles the mouse with no smell.
The first time I checked the trap after two weeks I had three dead mice in it. There is usually one or two in it whenever I check it though I had 6 in it after about a month of not checking it.

I used a kitty litter bucket I had laying around but you can use just about anything. I used a piece of paneling as a platform and a couple wood screws as pivots and screws with washers as the counter weight. It continues to catch mice more than a year after I set it up. Look up bucket mouse traps online/youtube for more info.