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Worst handguns

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2020 3:00 pm
by David
I was looking through YT and this video from MAC had just dropped. Mac, I thought of you while watching because of that little Remington .380 you had bought a while back. Don't recall if you still have it but the video may be of interest.

So tossing out to eveyone, what are some of the worse handguns you've owned and why? Or what won't you buy because you don't like it?

Re: Worst handguns

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2020 6:36 pm
by Ronin.45
HK and Sig DA/SA guns😁

Re: Worst handguns

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2020 6:53 pm
by Ronin.45
Realistically, there are plenty of guns I won't buy because I don't like the features, but some I won't buy because they are bad.
I ran a gun shop and range long enough to see just about every gun available and get a pretty good idea of it's quality.

Hi-Point- they are not only poorly made, but they are poorly made of junk materials. While you may get one that runs, they were BY FAR the most returned brand for malfunctioning or breaking right out of the box. I've personally witnessed half a dozen pistols and 3 carbines break while firing. This ranges from slides cracking or parts flying off to triggers locking up. At ~$179 they are way too expensive. When you can spend $259 and get a stainless Sigma/SD that's 10x the gun.(pre-panic prices obviously)

Taurus- At my first gun shop job, one of my duties for a while was to take new taurus revolvers apart and clean the metal shavings out of the action. They were so bad that you couldn't pull the trigger on some of them. My dad also had a Millennium PT-145 that couldn't reliably set off primers.

Re: Worst handguns

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2020 9:49 pm
by Bob
I took a chance on an FEG Browning HP copy. It was cheap. I was willing to take the loss. I did.

It was never reliable even after tuning, new extractor, etc.

Re: Worst handguns

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2020 9:55 pm
by aerynsun
Remember the Saturday Night Specials?

Re: Worst handguns

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2020 10:07 pm
by Ender
I nominate the Taurus

Re: Worst handguns

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 10:46 am
by David
I know Taurus is an easy one to hate on :mrgreen:

With one exception though I've had good luck with them. And the one exception is exactly what was described;
Ronin.45 wrote: Mon Dec 21, 2020 6:53 pm Taurus- At my first gun shop job, one of my duties for a while was to take new taurus revolvers apart and clean the metal shavings out of the action. They were so bad that you couldn't pull the trigger on some of them.
I was at work one day and while on break I was looking at the gun ads. Saw a Taurus 66 7-shot revolver with eight speed loaders for $300. This was probably 10 years ago. It really is a nice looking revolver. But after picking it up and shooting it for a while the trigger started getting so stiff that I couldn't pull it. Opened it up and cleaned it out and it got better but lost confidence in it.

Currently on have a G3 that I picked up about 6 months ago for $259. It's been a good shooter. Can't attest to long term durability yet though.