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Two recent terror attacks

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2019 6:02 am
by Bmyers
There has been two recent terror attacks, yet news media has been fairly quite on them. The first in Florida at the naval base from a radical Muslim who was being trained by our military: ... king-about

The second being in the "shooting" in New Jersey. When did a multiple shooting and pipe bombs on a Jewish center not qualify as a terrorist attack? I think if you look at the open picture on this article you could see why: ... als-reveal

Now if these had been completed by a white male, it would be wall to wall coverage. I have zero faith in the news media anymore. THey have proved multiple times that they are only there to serve as a propaganda leg of the leftist. Hitler and Stalin would both be proud.

Re: Two recent terror attacks

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2019 10:10 pm
by Bob
Well - technical I guess the second was a Racist attack - because these were Black Jews.

Fortunately - due to the Patriot Acty, we are able to catch and stop these - oh wait - we can't stop Terrorists, or Russians, but we CAN spy on unsavory political opponents!!!!

And you are worried about the media. Pffft....

Re: Two recent terror attacks

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 9:43 am
by David
Situational awareness is always a good idea. But right now it is particularly important.
  • I don't think Iran is stupid enough to do something major in response to the recent airstrikes, but you never know. It's a fact that various organizations have terror cells in this country.
  • Social unrest due to the political climate in the country this year with the election looming in the fall.
  • Nut jobs aren't getting fewer, their getting more prevalent. Whether this is MK Ultra or drugs or simply people pissed off at the world, it's on the rise.
  • Crime happens.

Best to keep your head on a swivel, nose out of your cell phone, eyes open and maintain a grey man low profile. And carry a firearm and other means of personal protection.

Re: Two recent terror attacks

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 4:15 pm
by Bob
Iran has been doing what they do for a while. Might be a little increase in frequency, but nutty hate country is gonna do what they do, whether we nuked bad guy or not.

I'd like to see some data on crime period. It is down down down, I do believe. As for nut jobs - I say it is also down, not actually up. You said it is up Dave - show me a legit(wish) graph. Reporting nut jobs is wayyyyyy up. Actual crazy - not so much, as all crime is down.

Re: Two recent terror attacks

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2020 6:43 am
by Bmyers
David wrote: Tue Jan 07, 2020 9:43 am Situational awareness is always a good idea. But right now it is particularly important.
  • I don't think Iran is stupid enough to do something major in response to the recent airstrikes, but you never know. It's a fact that various organizations have terror cells in this country.
  • Social unrest due to the political climate in the country this year with the election looming in the fall.
  • Nut jobs aren't getting fewer, their getting more prevalent. Whether this is MK Ultra or drugs or simply people pissed off at the world, it's on the rise.
  • Crime happens.

Best to keep your head on a swivel, nose out of your cell phone, eyes open and maintain a grey man low profile. And carry a firearm and other means of personal protection.
Well, Iran did something stupid, 14 missiles launched at US bases. ... -suspected

Re: Two recent terror attacks

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2020 7:45 am
by David
It was a face-saving move on their part. Stupid but predictable and is the way the Middle East and Persia operate. Last report I heard there were no casualties. If that holds it may save them. If there were...they're gonna get hammered. We can do serious harm to the infrastructure of that country without ever putting one soldier on their soil. No, you can't win a war that way but war isn't the plan. I feel bad for the typical Iranian citizen however because they don't like their own government.

Re: Two recent terror attacks

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2020 9:21 am
by bdc
A big plus for David's observations.

Most of the world does not think in terms of "nation-state". The immediate family, the local gang, the local militia and walking to the food stall is the world. Sure, when greedy people/rulers feel that they must resort to war, they use their power to impress people into large gangs that attempt to kill each other.

There are two big take-aways from this most recent dust-up if people want to view it as nation-state against nation-state:
1. despite having the ability to design, manufacture, maintain, control missile delivery systems, 4 of the Iranian missiles failed. There was no time pressure like having to do it in the midst of a conventional war. In WW2, there was a lot of defective ordinance. A tremendous amount. The missiles used were considerably more expensive. In having a number of failures, the Iranians provided intelligence to the US for free!
The same free intelligence was obtained when the Russians fired intercontinental missiles from ships on the land locked Ural Sea into Syria.
Missiles/launch systems are not free. Supply lines to deliver new ordinance take time to build.
2. the Iranians did not fully support the deceased. I don't think that the Iranian response was proportional. I also think that the response should have been asymmetrical using proxies.

I liken the response to that by Bill Clinton to the attempted assassination of the first George Bush by Iraqi intelligence in Kuwait. The response was one smart bomb (it requires a human operator within 10 miles with a clear line of sight on the ground [at the time] to guide the smart bomb) down the chimney in Baghdad at midnight when the intelligence officers would be at home sleeping.

Re: Two recent terror attacks

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 7:08 pm
by David
This idiot was just arrested for planning to hit multiple areas around Tampa in an attempt to cause a mass casualty event. ... -tampa-bay

Re: Two recent terror attacks

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 7:01 pm
by David
This is the sister of the terrorist I posted in the link above: ... stwFhotoOg

Re: Two recent terror attacks

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 7:36 pm
by Mac66
Family of whackos