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Jackill's Conversion

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2020 2:14 pm
by Meteo
Jackill's Starfleet Reference Manual Conversions

T is defined as per FASA Conversion:

Tech Level -1X 0Xe 0Xs 0Xl 1X 2Xe 2Xs 2Xl 3X
Multipler "T" -1 -.5 0 .5 1 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

* means optional.

Brdg (Full Load) / 80000
Emer (Full Load) / 80000 - 1
CO (Full Load) / 80000 + T - 2
Aux (Full Load) / 80000 - 1
Flag * (Full Load) / 80000 - 1
Scty * Troops / 100
Comp 1 M-4/6/7 if 1X; 2 M-6/7/8 if 2X
SpecSen Sensor + (T * 4) - 3
SpecScan Scanner + (T * 2) - 6
SpecComm (Full Load) / 80 + T - 3
Sensor Sensor * (T + 1)
Scanner Scanner * (T + 1)
DamCon (Full Load) / 24 + 1
ExcDam (Full Load) / 24 + 1
Crew Crew / 10
Brd Prt Crew / 40 + Troops / 6
Deck # of Fighters
Pass Passengers / 10
Hull (Full Load) / 8000
Armor * Max of (Full Load) / 16000
Cargo Cargo / 50
Repair * Cargo / 50
Const * Cargo / 50
Tran Transporter / 2
Trac (Full Load) / 80000
Lab (Full Load) / 8 + Labs <or> Labs * 2 <or> Labs * 1
Probe Labs / 4
Shtl 1 per Shuttle (don't count travel pods)
Ftr 1 per Fighter
Hold Cargo / 50
NWO (Full Load) / 16000 + (T * 3)
Barr * Troops / 50
Warp Warp * 40 (but this can vary widely)
Imp Imp * 2
AWR/AXR Warp * 4 + Imp / 5
Btty Warp * 4 + Imp / 5
PO Warp * 4 + Imp / 5 + (T * 2) - 4
Ph-5/Ph-6 1 per Phaser (note they typically list them in banks of 2)
Ph-M 1 per MegaPhaser
Phtn 1 per Photon
Drn-G Add a few (varies widely)
Shields Shields * 4 * 20 (for 1X), varies widely at 2X

Other data can use FASA Conversion or just your best guess.

Don Miller

Ed Note-
Obviously, the Email doesn't work anymore. This is a revised version of Don Miller's Conversion of Jackill's Ships of the Fleet Ships to Star Fleet Battles, done so that around 2-4 of each type of Control Box and 20 Hull are generated by the result.