Game 1: Kzinti (my son) vs. Gorn (me).
Kzinti FF (C-10 and Y175 refit) 75 BPV
Gorn DD+ (plus refit) 74 BPV
The Gorn DD+ is basically an FF. It has 4 more points of power but is a 1/2 mover rather than 1/3 mover like the Kzinti. The Gorn has slightly stronger FH shields but weaker RH shields. It has 3 more shuttles than the Kzinti. The Kzinti has 1 more battery. The Gorn has a TM of C while the Kzinti is an A TM. Gorn has 1 G torp FP and the Kzinti has 1 distruptor in the FA arc. Gorn has 3xph-1 and the Kzinti 2xph-1 and 2xph-3 along with 4 drone racks (2xB and 2xC).
I wanted to do a tournament with him, he likes to use frigates. So this worked out well. Not that I mind tourney ships but let's face it, they're cookie-cutter ships. We wanted more of a challenge one way or the other. And this first line up will definitely be a challenge. One ace-up-my-sleeve is that the Gorn DD+ has 4 shuttles whereas he only has 1 shuttle. So he'll initially be limited to just on SP unless he tractors it in for later use as another SP. I foresee at least a couple of WW in my future. But yeah, that every-turn disrupter and the ability to put up a wave of 6 drones even without the SP (he has 2xB and 2xC racks) will be a challenge. If he holds firing drones from the racks the first turn and only uses the SP he could have three turns of 6 drones each (6 off the SP and two turns from the racks). Sure I can WW them probably but then that leaves me slow and ripe for an overrun.
I can bluff him maybe with a PPT and perhaps he'll not want to mess around with a G-EPT which for frigates can be pretty hard on the shields. But we'll see. I want a not-so-clear-and-cut challenge. Makes you think!
Should be a pretty good battle

Game 1: Kzinti FF w/C10 and Y175 refits vs. Gorn DD+ with Sabot refit.
Turn 1:
Gorn is S30 out the gate. Kzinti is S15. Around I4 Kzin lauches the SP. He fires 3 drones off of his racks. 8 impulses later the SP blossoms with 3 drones so now I know I'm facing 3xI and 3xIV. He tried to fake me out though as the SP were the type-I's. I managed to get to R12 and launched a type-G EPT at sabot speed. I was able to take out 3 drones with my ships phasers, 1 with a TB (thought I'd get 2 but he knows how to move drones). He whittled the EPT to 33 points when it hit so I got 5 damage on each shield plus a bit. Not bad for me since we have the paper thin FF shields. After launching I ran like a rabbit. He's doing a great job on his drones, every time I kill one he's launching another.
Turn 2:
The Kzin is now S30 and I'm 28. I launch all 4 shuttles an impulse apart. I'm able to kill 2 IV's with them and 2 more with ships phasers. I drop shield #6 and transport a dummy TB 5 hexes from my ship to hopefully influence his movement. He's killed two of my shuttles. We had to stop at I15 and will look to finish tomorrow. So I'm one turn into recharging a plasma (it will likely be a fast charged F I'm thinking).
*Our ships are ten hexes apart at the moment and the east wall is coming up close for me. He's heading to cut me off.
*Four drones on the board at the moment.
*I've got one phaser-1 and one tractor left to use.
*He's got a ph-3 and his disruptor and likely some additional drones to fire.
Okay, we picked it up midway through T2. I had one ph-1 and one tractor left to use with 4 drones honing in on me. One was at R4 and the rest were at around R8-10. The cat was at R10. I had the east wall coming up alarmingly quick. I wasn't 'that' concerned with his ship as he'd already used his two ph-1's on two of my shuttles. But the drones were another matter. After painstakingly looking at the impulse chart I transported my last real TB, using my last transporter to a spot off my port bow. It took some very careful maneuvering but I managed to give him no choice but to lose two of the drones to the explosion. That left only two drones on the board. Okay, a little breathing room...I thought. I turned and flew directly up the east wall. However, I just couldn't shake the closest drone and he did a great job of keeping it out of the FX arc of my last phaser. I made a mistake and forgot to tractor the darn thing on I32 which of course meant it was going to hit on I1 of T3.
He hit with an OL disruptor that left me with two boxes on my #5. He didn't use the ph-3's as he was too far away to really make it worth while and figured he'd Mizia me through the #5 since I had just turned.
Even though I screwed up on the tractor it really would have only prolonged the inevitable. He would have been able to whack me with two ph-1's and two ph-3's and maybe even the disruptor when it cycled. On top of that he could have launched probably around 3 more drones which would have put 4 on the board that I just couldn't have stopped. Sure, I could have WW'd but he'd have hit R0 on a nearly down shield and then launched drones after the WW. Of course, I didn't arm a WW as I used them earlier as drone fire platforms (which worked at the time).
So end result was the drone that hit was a IV (figures) with a type I about 3-4 hexes away and 3 more ready to launch plus his ships weapons. We rolled the damage up until he hit the torp and a battery which means my fast-fire F was screwed. I resigned.
He played the Kzinti like a champ. He dogged me with his ship every step and used scattered drones to eat away at my ships resources. Having only one G torp was a big disadvantage but I was looking for a real challenge and he provided it.
So IKVAvenger 0 and son-of-IKVAvenger 1