Eta Universe Timeline

SFB in the Alpha Octant
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Eta Universe Timeline

Post by Meteo »

Timeline of the Eta Universe, some from SFB, some from FASA.

1957: Sputnik is launched; -2Xe is attained

1969: Apollo 11; and first successful Moon Landing

1982: DY-50 launched, typical lifespan of these vessels is 30-40 years

1992-1996: Eugenics Wars, DY-100s are launched

2018: Advances in Sublight Drive; -2Xs is attained;

the DY-100 is retired, replaced by the DY-200 and DY-250 Class

2022: The Space Probe Nomad is launched by Jackson Roykirk

2030: The Ares I Mars Probe is launched, accompanied by five later ones

2036: The New United Nations is formed, later collapsing in WWIII

2044: WWIII Begins

2053: Asteroid Bases are formed, Timo Lassila Develops Subspace Sensors

2056-2059: Much of Earth is devastated by Nukes

2063: Zephram Cochrane launches the Pheonix; -1X is launched

2064: Galactic Survey Cruisers are developed for long-term surveys of several neighboring star systems

2065: S.S Valiant, a Charleston-class Galactic Survey Cruiser is lost

after being caught in a wormhole, and runs into the Great

Barrier on the Edge of the Galaxy, one Crew Member

developing godlike powers, and requiring the captain

to destroy the ship

2090: The DY-500 is developed, and sent on medium and long-ranged missions

2103: The Martian Colonies are established

2104: The Old Kings abandon their Mercenary races, including the Klingons

2105: More contact is made with the Tellarites and Rigellians

2112: Andorians Send a Colony Ship to a new colony site, proposed, Telheraim; the Klingons send primitive -2Xe capsules to the abandoned ships left by the Old Kings

2117: Zephram Cochrane disappears, the Humans and Andorians battle for a short period before the Vulcans and Alpha Centaurans negotiate peace between them in 2118

2118: The Imperial Navy is formed

2123: the D-1 is launched, the only Klingon Vessel armed with a Laser Cannon, woefully underarmed, and eventually replaced by the D-2 after an unsuccessful refit

2126-2129: First Kzinti-Hydran War

2128-2132: First Klingon-Lyran War

2130-2133: First Lyran-Hydran War

2144: Terra, Alpha Centauri and Vulcan launch joint probes and share data; - a milestone in the Federation's history.

2145: The Bison-class Transports are launched, among the largest Fusion-powered Warp ships developed.

2151: the Amarillo-class Heavy Cruisers are developed

2152-2154: A number of ships are attacked and looted by unknown vessels

2158-2161: Second Lyran-Hydran War

2156-2160: The Earth-Romulan War, M/AM Reactors are developed

2161: The Founding of the Federation occurs on May 14th of this year

2162: The U.S.S Daedalus, under the command of Makoto Takashi is the first vessel launched on a mission of exploration by the UFP, soon accompanied by the other Daedalus-class ships, as well as some of the incorporated member race ships and Province-class ships; Klingon-Hydran Incident

2163: Klingon-Hydran War

2164: The first named Shuttlecraft ar

ise in Starfleet use

2165: Sarek of Vulcan is born

2166: Romulans and Kzinti meet; Kzinti occasionally cause trouble for the Federation; Klingon-Vudar War

2167: The Daedalus arrives at Starbase 10, and is refit to Mk III specifications, with crew expanded from 96 to 229, stasis booths removed, and more sensors, laboratories and cargo areas added, as well as Warp Drive upgraded to an improved Warp 4.5 Drive

2170: Kavis Alpha II's explosion is recorded; numerous Colony ships leave in this, and the next six-year period

2172: The Daedalus's Stardrive hiccups, sending the vessel forward in time around 11 years

2174-2177: Klingon-Lyran vs. Hydran War

2178-2181: 2nd Klingon-Lyran War

2180: Cargo Transporter is invented

2183: The Perseus, Starfleet's First Warp 5 Ship is hijacked by it's captain, Jackson Archer, to attack Orion Bases and Colonies, the Daedalus is sent to stop them, in the process, Archer goes crazy, and the Perseus is destroyed, most of the crew being evacuated

2184: The Antares-Class is launched

The Gagarin-Class is launched

2186: The Tholians arrive, taking some newly established Klingon colonies, and destroying any attempts to reclaim them

The Sunsnake goes into the Paravian Sun, making it go nova

The Oberth-Class is launched

2188: The Klingons take Hydrax

2196: The last Daedalus-class ships are decommissioned

2202: 0Xe is developed

2203: the NCC-1000, U.S.S Thousandth Mile, is launched to celebrate a thousand vessels launched by Starfleet

2205: The Lancaster-class ships are launched

2206: The Tholians take Disruptor Tech from the Klingons

First successful Transporter test is conducted aboard the

U.S.S Remembrance

Kzinti Civil War

2208: Personnel Transporters are routinely carried

2209: First case of Transporter Psychosis is discovered on Delinia II

2210: Harry Kim's Uncle Jack sends a Hornet-Class Heavy Cruiser

to survey a star which turned out to be a new type of sensor


2215: Selcundi Drema fragments into an asteroid belt

2218: Disastrous First Contact with the Klingon Empire

2219: Richard Daystrom is born

2220: Accelerator Cannons are invented

2220: The Federation Aurora colony mysteriously disappears

2221: The Federation Starliner "The Celestial Queen" is boarded by Orion Pirates

2223: The Prime Directive is formed

Numerous periods of hostility with the Klingon Empire occur

until 2293

2224: Montgomery Scott is born

2226: Klingons conquer Beta Thoridar

2227: Leonard Mccoy is born

2229: Sarek and Amanda are married

2230: Spock is born

2233: James T. Kirk is born

2236: The S.S Columbia, NCC-507 crashes on Talos IV

Large Cargo Transporters are developed

2237: Spock goes through the Ordeal of Kahs-Wan

Hikaru Sulu is born in San Fransisco

2239: Nyota Uhura is born in the United States of Africa

An Immortal called Flint purchases a planetoid, Holberg 937-G

Emergency Transporters are developed

The U.S.S Jasokhe, conducts the first successful High-Warp

Tests, going as high as Warp 9.346, followed by years of

further research into warp, hull and FTL comm improvements

2243: Richard Daystrom invents Duotronics

The Louisiana-Class uses the first Duotronic Computers

2244: the U.S.S Pyotyr Velikiy is launched, first with Warp 7 Drive

The Cesario-Class is Launched, a mass-produced Scout Ship

2245: The Constitution-Class, the most famous Class ever launched

by Starfleet, comes online, ten new builds, three upgrades from

older Classes, one Sealance-CL, two Republic-CAs, first with

Warp 8 Drive, Subspace Communications, and more than one

Personnel Transporter, U.S.S Enterprise is launched under

Robert April

Hydrans seize Hydrax from the Klingons

2246: Kodos the Executioner orders thousands massacred due to

Food Shortage, despite supply ships arriving soon, at Tarsus IV

2247: Mining Equipment is replaced by newer models; facility set up

at Janus VI

2248: Loknar-Class Heavy Frigate is launched, designed by

Andorians, willing to develop a militaristic stablemate to the

Mostly exploratory ships being developed around that time

2249: The Second Nacelle, the first Orion vessel not of the older,

21st-22nd century navy, with two nacelles, is launched

The Hydrans develop the Gatling Phaser

2250: Enterprise switches command to Christopher Pike

2252: the Carlin-Class Heavy Escort, first in it's classification, with

around 22,000 mt of spare supplies, even extra shuttles,

and among the few vessels with aft-firing weaponry, is launched

2253: Leonard Mccoy develops a new neurosurgical technique

The Four Years War begins, between the Federation and Klingon

Empire; Klingons develop 0Xs tech a little earlier than the

Federation, however Federation's development of 0Xs helps

increase their tech advantage, and enable them to win the war

2254: Talos IV Incident

2255: Treaty of Armens with the Sheliak

2256: The Federation Wins the Four Years War; Klingons have to

spend the next five years rebuilding their fleets, in addition,

the new Phasers and Photon Torpedoes are introduced into

nearly every new refit

2257: Captain Pike orders The Enterprise's Phasers to blast a planet's

surface, to prevent the tech on it from ripping the entire

universe apart, soon leading to General Order 24

2258: U.S.S Coronado surveys Cestus III

2261: Enterprise is heavily refit; - Crew goes from 210 to 433

2262: Kirk performs a daring defense, and rescue of his own ship,

The Shaitan

2263: Christopher Pike resigns as Captain of the Enterprise, is reassigned to Training Command

2264: James T. Kirk is assigned as new Captain of the Enterprise

2264-2269: Enterprise is assigned on it's legendary 5-year mission

2266: Romulans break their first Isolationist period, and are seen,

via viewscreen, for the first time

2268: Klingon-Romulan Technological Exchange Treaty

Polaric Test Ban Treaty between the Federation and Romulans,

after Romulan Testing Base on Chaltok IV is destroyed

Enterprise and some other refits and new builds are the first

to get new 0Xl Tech

2269: The Elasi Pirate Clans increase their attacks on Federation ships

and bases, and receive some cloaking devices from the


Klingons introduce semi-carriers and Stasis Field Generators

Kzinti introduce new AASes and Fighters

June 16th: Enterprise completes it's five-year mission,

is sent to Drydock for Refit and Redesign, to experimental

1X Tech

2270: Sarek performs negotiations with the Legarans

2271: December 14th: TMP occurs here; the V'ger Incident

2272: The Battle of Klach D'kel Bracht

2272-2276: The Enterprise is sent on another 5-year mission

2274: S.S Artemis sends colonists to Tau Cygna V

Chandley-Class Heavy Frigate is launched

2275: Miranda-Class Light Cruiser is launched

2276: Soyuz-Class Patrol Frigate is launched

2277: Uniforms are updated from TMP to TWOK specifications

2278: U.S.S Bozeman disappears near Starbase 12

2279: Death of High Priestess T'pau, of Vulcan

2281: Saavik enters Starfleet Academy

2283: Brief Federation-Breen Conflict

Shorter, two-year version of the General War begins

Gorn build larger and larger, but still 0Xl ships, begin

to run low on resources and get pounded by the Romulans

and Hassans

2284: Gorn Join the Federation, to get help from their dilemma

Federation begins working on their first 2Xe ships

2285: ST:II and ST:III occur here

2286: ST:IV occurs here

Enterprise-A launched

2287: ST:V occurs here, in modified version, different from the actual


2288: Soyuz Class is retired, due to cumbersome, increasingly

outmoded tech, also, Federation and Klingons enter new war

O.P.C Hammerfield disappears, taken by the Masters

Kzinti join the Federation

2290: I.K.S T'Ong enters a sleeper mission

Hikaru Sulu is put in command of the Excelsior

2293: ST:VI; the Enterprise-A is retired

2294: the Enterprise-B is launched

2Xs is adopted by more Nations

2295: The Potemkin, Training Ship, is retired

2296: The Federation, Presidential Federation-Class Flagship, is retired

2297: Klingon Expedition reaches Ventax II

2296-2297: ISC temporarily separates major powers, are forced back

soon after

Romulan Civil War occurs here

2298: Andromedans begin their invasion

2302: Starbase 200 disappears in temporal anomaly

Andromedans are forced back

2305: Jean-Luc Picard is born

2308: Romulans begin to increase attacks on the Federation and

Klingon Empire

2311: Type A Warbirds, V-30s, and T-20s, attack A Federation Station

and several Federation Ships, causing thousands of deaths,

the Treaty of Algeron in 2312. and second Romulan Isolation

Period, although the Romulans spend large chunks of this

period conducting raids on the Klingons.

2314-2324: Romulan-Taurhai War

2322: 2Xl Tech is developed, coinciding with the Ambassador-classes'


2325: Vulcan-headed Design Team launch the Apollo-Class CL,

a smaller, more multimission-oriented vessel

2327: Picard is stabbed in the heart by Nausicaans.

2328: Isolinear Computers are developed, first to come from this

replacement of Duotronics, is the I-1 and I-2, the I-4, I-5, I-6

and I-7 are later developed in the 2330s-2370s.

2333: Picard begins to captain the Stargazer

2335: KDF-1 Vor'cha is launched by the KDF, a pioneer in combat

and tech, 2Xl and 3X

2338: Klingons develop the KDF-2 K'Mirra, using mixed L-24 design,

newer 2Xl Systems, and Federation Nacelles, Phasers and


2339: Constitution and Enterprise Classes are retired, with U.S.S

Yorktown being put into a museum

Lyrans join the Klingon Empire

2340: Worf is born

2342: Major research and development in tech occurs here, with

the first Holodecks developed, and the first Warp 9.25+

Drives developed here

2343: Research commences into the Galaxy-Class Heavy Explorer

2344: Enterprise-C is destroyed near Narendra III

2346: TNG Combadges are developed

2350: ISC Joins the Romulans

2352: 3X Tech is developed

2353: TNG Uniforms - 1st Season are developed

Jack Crusher dies

2355: Battle of Maxia

2356: Galaxy-Class is launched

2363: Enterprise-D is launched

2364-2370: TNG, Seasons 1-7

2367: Benjamin Sisko heads up the Defiant Project, and

Bob Doughboy restores the Camelot Project,

Pulse Phasers, Quantum Torpedoes, Ablative Armor,

Multi-layer Shields, and Tri-Cobalt Torpedoes are Developed,

This tech becomes more widely used in 2371-2373, and the

Federation becomes 4Xe

2371: Enterprise-D is destroyed

2372: Enterprise-E is launched

2376: Federation becomes 4Xs

2380s: Federation becomes the All Good Things Federation; of 4Xl

The Borg are totally eliminated

2400s: Holographic Communications become more routine, and the

earlier Slip Drive ships of 5X come online

2420s: The Federation splits into the Coalition, a more unstable,

fundamentalist TNG Federation-esque group, and the Allied

Worlds, a more suspicious, shrewd, Free Trading and

Diplomatic Group

2460s-2480s: The Coalition develops 6Xe tech, the Allied Worlds

has some newer 5X, and many older 2Xs-4Xl ships

2490s: As the Coalition and Allied Worlds are feuding, the True Ones

of an ancient Advanced Tech-Psi warfare, enter through a hole

in the Great Barrier, and begin to take over parsecs.

The Enterprise-J disappears

2500s: The Enterprise-K is launched, TFD occurs from here to 2506.

2510s: The Coalition and Allied Worlds discover Extragalactic and

Magellanic Clouds Nations, and soon they unite, into the

United Federation of Galaxies in the 2520s, Attaining 6Xs

2800s: The Federation attains 7X, Time-Travel, VGR Timeship etc.

3200s: Federation 8Xl Ships, such as the Istari-class, use Realitywarp

and Snark/Boojum Torpedoes

3600s: The final Federation Ship, of 9X, Memorial-class, U.S.S

Enterprise, N.C.C-1701-Z is in service, and abandoned,

left as a monument of existence... and of discovery.
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