Basic 20
Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 9:51 am
BASIC 20 (As created by Grandmaster Michael Dunn)
1- horse stance straight punch
2- horse stance upper cut
3- from fighting stance (left foot forward) step forward 45 degrees to the right - outside middle block - straight punch (double or triple)
4- stepping back - right arm down block - front snap kick
5- stepping forward - double inside forearm blocks - right hammer fist to groin - right back fist to face
6- stepping back - right outside middle block - front snap kick
7- stepping / slide left foot forward - left arm inside push block - right knife hand to side of neck - step forward with right foot - double punch
8- stepping back - crossing forearm X block (turn upper body slightly to the right with contact of X block) - left hand back fist - right hand punch
9- stepping forward into a high block (forearm should be at 45 degree angle) right elbow strike - right back fist
10- stepping back (slightly more than body turning past 180 degrees) left hand knife hand block - left hand knife hand strike to throat
11- stepping forward - left hand middle block (pulling-pushing attacking arm downward) right elbow strike - right back fist
12- stepping back - upward reverse elbow strike (as if someone has grabbed you from behind) turn 180 now facing attacker - right hand back fist - left hand punch (this can also be done forward or with a very slight modification)
13- stepping forward - left arm middle block (sweeping attackers arm downward) - right elbow upper cut strike - right knife hand strike to neck
14- stepping back - left arm middle inside block - left leg side kick to knee - left back fist - right punch
15- stepping forward - left arm low block and right arm middle outside block - right back fist - left punch
16- stepping back - double (left & right) pushing blocks - left side kick to knee or hip - right elbow strike
17- stepping forward - left outside middle block - left knee spike to groin or stomach - right elbow strike to back of head
18- stepping back - double outside blocks (someone attempts to grab your shirt with two hands) - front snap kick
19- stepping forward - left outside middle block - right knife hand strike to neck
20- stepping back - left inside block or right outside block - your preference) - roundhouse kick to knee/hip/kidney/head - your choice of target
The form is in the figure + pattern. From ready position facing forward, movement #3 forward, then movement #6 backwards. Movement #7 to the left followed by movement #4. Turning 180 degrees into movement #9 (right arm) then backwards into movement #16. turning 90 Degrees (right) into movement #5, then backwards into movement #14. Turn 90 degrees right into movement #19 then backwards into movement #8. This should bring you back to your original starting position.
This is just the first half of the form, with the second section as follows/same directions: 11 / 18 / 15 / 10 / 17 / 1 / 12 / 20 / 2 / 13.
A linear listing would look like this:
As provided by Master Ray:
Start from N center point
1- horse stance straight punch
2- horse stance upper cut
3- from fighting stance (left foot forward) step forward 45 degrees to the right - outside middle block - straight punch (double or triple)
4- stepping back - right arm down block - front snap kick
5- stepping forward - double inside forearm blocks - right hammer fist to groin - right back fist to face
6- stepping back - right outside middle block - front snap kick
7- stepping / slide left foot forward - left arm inside push block - right knife hand to side of neck - step forward with right foot - double punch
8- stepping back - crossing forearm X block (turn upper body slightly to the right with contact of X block) - left hand back fist - right hand punch
9- stepping forward into a high block (forearm should be at 45 degree angle) right elbow strike - right back fist
10- stepping back (slightly more than body turning past 180 degrees) left hand knife hand block - left hand knife hand strike to throat
11- stepping forward - left hand middle block (pulling-pushing attacking arm downward) right elbow strike - right back fist
12- stepping back - upward reverse elbow strike (as if someone has grabbed you from behind) turn 180 now facing attacker - right hand back fist - left hand punch (this can also be done forward or with a very slight modification)
13- stepping forward - left arm middle block (sweeping attackers arm downward) - right elbow upper cut strike - right knife hand strike to neck
14- stepping back - left arm middle inside block - left leg side kick to knee - left back fist - right punch
15- stepping forward - left arm low block and right arm middle outside block - right back fist - left punch
16- stepping back - double (left & right) pushing blocks - left side kick to knee or hip - right elbow strike
17- stepping forward - left outside middle block - left knee spike to groin or stomach - right elbow strike to back of head
18- stepping back - double outside blocks (someone attempts to grab your shirt with two hands) - front snap kick
19- stepping forward - left outside middle block - right knife hand strike to neck
20- stepping back - left inside block or right outside block - your preference) - roundhouse kick to knee/hip/kidney/head - your choice of target
The form is in the figure + pattern. From ready position facing forward, movement #3 forward, then movement #6 backwards. Movement #7 to the left followed by movement #4. Turning 180 degrees into movement #9 (right arm) then backwards into movement #16. turning 90 Degrees (right) into movement #5, then backwards into movement #14. Turn 90 degrees right into movement #19 then backwards into movement #8. This should bring you back to your original starting position.
This is just the first half of the form, with the second section as follows/same directions: 11 / 18 / 15 / 10 / 17 / 1 / 12 / 20 / 2 / 13.
A linear listing would look like this:
As provided by Master Ray:
Start from N center point
- Defensive Stance – Right Foot Step Forward towards A - ( #3 ) Outside Deflection – 2 punches
- Defensive Stance – Right Foot Step Backward towards B - ( #6 ) Outside Deflection – Front Kick - 2 punches
- Defensive Stance - Slide Left Foot towards C - ( #7 ) Inside Downward Palm Deflection - Neck Strike – Punch – Step Punch
- Defensive Stance - Right Foot Step Backward towards A - ( #4 ) Downward Strike – Front Kick - 2 punches
- Defensive Stance - Turn 180° Around Right Foot Step towards B - ( #9 ) High Deflection (circular) – 2 punches
- Defensive Stance - Right Foot Step Backward towards D - ( #16 ) Double Inside Palm Deflection – Side Kick – 2 punches
- Defensive Stance - Right Foot Step Forward towards C - ( #5 ) Double Inside Strike – Hammer Fist low / Back Fist head – 2 punches
- Defensive Stance - Right Foot Step Backward towards A - ( #14 ) Inside Knife Hand Strike – Side Kick – 2 punches
- Defensive Stance - Right Foot Step Forward towards D - ( #19 ) (Chop-Chop) Outside Deflection – Neck Chop/Reverse Chop – 2 punches
- Defensive Stance - Right Foot Step Backward towards B - ( #8 ) High “X” Deflection to side – Back Fist – 2 punches
- Defensive Stance – Right Foot Step into Horse Stance facing A - ( #1 ) Outside Deflection – 3 punches
- Defensive Stance - Right Foot Step Backward towards B - ( #18 ) (Karate Kid) Double Outside Deflection – Front Kick – 2 punches
- Defensive Stance - Right Foot Step Forward towards D - ( #15 ) (Cover Block) downward arm / side palm – Back Fist – 2 punches
- Defensive Stance - Right Foot Step Backward towards B - ( #10 ) Inside Knife Hand Strike – Reverse Neck Chop – 2 punches
- Defensive Stance - Turn 180° Around towards B - ( #17 ) Outside Deflection - Knee Spike – 2 punches
- Defensive Stance - Right Foot Step into Horse Stance facing B - ( #2 ) Outside Deflection - Uppercut Punch ( 3 times )
- Defensive Stance - Right Foot Step Forward towards C - ( #11) Outside Deflection (circular) – Across Elbow Strike/Back Fist - 2 punches
- Defensive Stance - Right Foot Step Backward towards A - ( #12 ) Outside Deflection - Rear Elbow Strike – Back Fist – 2 punches
- Defensive Stance - Right Foot Step Forward towards D - ( #13 ) Outside Deflection – Vertical Elbow / Downward Chop -2 punches
- Defensive Stance - Right Foot Step Backward towards A - ( #20 ) Outside Deflection- Roundhouse Kick / Side Kick – 2 punches