Good book; Full Battle Rattle

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Good book; Full Battle Rattle

Post by Mac66 »

Full Battle Rattle: The story of the longest serving special forces A team soldier in Americian history. by Changiz Lahidji

Changiz was born in Iraq, grew up in Iran. emigrated to the US after serving in Iranian SF under the Shah. Enlisted in the US army in the late 70s and went through green beret, ranger, airborne and just about every qualification school. He was even tasked to jumping into enemy territory carrying a nuke.

He was sent undercover into Iran alone to scout the American embassy and devise a exfiltration plan/route for the American hostage rescue in '79. He was supposed to go with the rescued Americans but when the plan failed he was forced to find his own way out. He's pretty much fought in every conflict the US has been in since.

That's just one of the stories in the book. He was on the ground in Mogadishu Somalia during the black hawk down debacle and in A-stan multiple time including when the Russians were there. Went into Iraq behind the lines during the invasion. This guy is like Forrest Gump, he turns up just about everywhere in every conflict.

It's a helluva book.
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