about those gas prices!

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Re: about those gas prices!

Post by Bob »

Are you allowed to grow unsanctioned fruit, and then actually eat it? LOL
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Re: about those gas prices!

Post by bdcochran »

Actually, under CA law, the state does not need permission to come upon a person's property to set insect traps, spray for bugs, trim bushes or trees.
The following trees are there: 2 kinds of lemon, 2 Washington Navel orange, Haas avocado,Zutano avocado, tangerine, 4 kinds of guava, cheramoya ($8 a pound in the store), Santa Rosa plum. pomegranate. lime.

Unsanctioned fruit. Most fruit is subject to "marketing orders". A result of federal court decisions of the 1930s. My dad raised avocados and oranges. Fruits tested for sugar content, size, etc. FYI, oranges/ tomatoes are run into packing sheds and gassed. Unsprayed apples have spots and bumps - illegal to sell.

I don't buy most fruit sold in supermarkets.

Manage a 500 plus acre in a different state. Usually soybeans. Recommend that you not eat soy products, including margarine. Not healthy. I know, people get brain washed because the Chinese "cook with soy oil". That was not the case 100 years ago.
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