Armed St Louis Couple Pointed Guns at Protesters After Breaking Iron Community Gate

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Re: Armed St Louis Couple Pointed Guns at Protesters After Breaking Iron Community Gate

Post by Bob »

"What happened to us..."

No, no it couldn't. Because I'm not that dumb.

By the way - do you like that whole "The Government's job is to protect us!" You know, 20-30 years ago there was no such concept. If you asked people about what the Government's job was it would be Protect the COUNTRY from Russia/CHina, and build roads and schools.

It is abad thing to depend on the Government to protect you from anything. It leads to more, bigger, and more dangerous Government. Trump will protect our gun rights? Yeah - really held the line on Bump Stocks didn't he???

That is just a different kind of Totalitarian advertisement with a picture of Jesus in the background.
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Re: Armed St Louis Couple Pointed Guns at Protesters After Breaking Iron Community Gate

Post by David »

Bob wrote: Sat Aug 29, 2020 4:54 pm "What happened to us..."

No, no it couldn't. Because I'm not that dumb.
I see. So how did you build up an immunity to rogue prosecutors with a political agenda charging you with a felony for lawful actions?
Bob wrote: Sat Aug 29, 2020 4:54 pm By the way - do you like that whole "The Government's job is to protect us!"
Your conflating two different things. I is not the governments job to protect you as an individual i.e. be your bodyguard. It is the governments job to provide a safe public setting i.e. you should be able to walk down the street without being harassed/attacked by a mob with an anarchist agenda or have a business and not worry about those anarchists/Marxists torching it.
A man cannot call himself peaceful if he is not capable of violence. If he's not capable of violence he isn't peaceful, he is harmless. There is a distinct difference.

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Re: Armed St Louis Couple Pointed Guns at Protesters After Breaking Iron Community Gate

Post by Bob »

Immunity: As mentioned - by NOT leaving my house to confront a mob.

Good point on number two - but as they are speaking about Trump; Not the Fed's job to do that. In fact, I believe there was this group of people...whgo were they? Oh yes - the FORE-FATHERS and they wrote a lot of things about not doing that....what was that thing called...THE CONSTITUTION.

I agree that the local gov's job was certainly to ensure order and they failed miserably. But as you see - Trump was president and that didn't help them one bit did it?
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Re: Armed St Louis Couple Pointed Guns at Protesters After Breaking Iron Community Gate

Post by David »

Bob wrote: Sun Aug 30, 2020 9:27 pm Immunity: As mentioned - by NOT leaving my house to confront a mob.
Well, let's see; part of the mob was going to storm into the house and rape the wife/kill the husband. The other part stated they were going to burn the house down. Seems that leaving the house was the only option those two people, who were actually there, felt was left to them. So not leaving the house didn't seem like it would have accomplished the goal of survival very well. Let me ask you this, a mob of several hundred people are in front of your house, on your property, beating down your door. One throws a Molotov cocktail on your roof setting it on fire. Is your plan to still not leave your house. If so, not a good plan.
Bob wrote: Sun Aug 30, 2020 9:27 pm Good point on number two - but as they are speaking about Trump; Not the Fed's job to do that. In fact, I believe there was this group of people...whgo were they? Oh yes - the FORE-FATHERS and they wrote a lot of things about not doing that....what was that thing called...THE CONSTITUTION.
Seems like the couple's actions conformed to the Constitution quite nicely. The kept and the bore arms. They are alive with an intact home today because of it. However, a certain part of their local government wanted, and did charge them with felonies. Another certain part of their State government overrode those charges and dropped them because they were within their rights.
Bob wrote: Sun Aug 30, 2020 9:27 pm I agree that the local gov's job was certainly to ensure order and they failed miserably. But as you see - Trump was president and that didn't help them one bit did it?
What would you have expected President Trump to do in this circumstance? Is he everywhere all the time? No. Was he aware of the couple's house being attacked as it happened? No. After the fact, is it his duty to override local authorities? No. If he had YOU would have called him a dictator! He allowed the State authorities to do the right thing, which they did. As far as response goes, every city that has requested his assistance i.e. requested the Feds come in and solve the problem (riots) he has immediately done so and the problems (riots) were immediately ended. The cities (Portland for example) that have refused his help are still having riots. See a pattern here? In this way, the people who have their eyes open, see the failures of local and State authorities and the success of the Federal.

So my question to you, why isn't Portland requesting Federal assistance to quell the riots? What is their agenda? What is their end goal? Since other cities have requested Trump's assistance, got that assistance immediately, and the problems were quelled, and we see that pattern of success...why is Portland, who clearly can't stop the riots (or doesn't want to stop them), calling for Trump's assistance? Since it is city governments job to stop riots and looting, and since they haven't been able to or don't want seems the lives, well-being, homes and business of their citizens isn't the priority. So....what is their priority?

I know the answer, do you?
A man cannot call himself peaceful if he is not capable of violence. If he's not capable of violence he isn't peaceful, he is harmless. There is a distinct difference.

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Re: Armed St Louis Couple Pointed Guns at Protesters After Breaking Iron Community Gate

Post by Bob »

No - people outside confronted the mob and then those things were said - logic FAIL: You are justifying after the fact. If any of those things had started to occur - fine. And no where else on the street was that the case.

I had a discussion with some deluded fool that there is no 2nd amendment anymore because it had been so infringed upon. Go "exercise" the right as you see fit and see what happens...But yes - I Like it as written for all sorts of reasons!

Again - goes back to my point: Trump being president has nothing to do with how your city turns out. Yet their entire advertisement (and that is what it is) is that Trump will save you because of your God given rights. Nice idea - but reality falls short.

I have no idea what Portland is doing. Nor do I care. Not going there. And that is their right - to let it roll that way because that's what they want, or vote out people, or leave or whatever.

Now - the Feds SHOULD absolutely escort anyone out who wants to leave....THAT is part of their job.
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Re: Armed St Louis Couple Pointed Guns at Protesters After Breaking Iron Community Gate

Post by David »

Bob wrote: Mon Aug 31, 2020 1:44 pm No - people outside confronted the mob and then those things were said - logic FAIL:
I didn't realize you were there, I was going off the information from the couple that was there.
Bob wrote: Mon Aug 31, 2020 1:44 pm And no where else on the street was that the case.
Well, they were the first house on the block and right next to the breached gate that was torn down. And how do you know that no other homes were affected?
A man cannot call himself peaceful if he is not capable of violence. If he's not capable of violence he isn't peaceful, he is harmless. There is a distinct difference.

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Re: Armed St Louis Couple Pointed Guns at Protesters After Breaking Iron Community Gate

Post by Bob »

OK - that's a good point. The other homes down the street could have been completely ravaged. And Fox News didn't mention that.....right. 8-)

Everyone else did exactly the right thing: Hunkered down and layed low, and called the police. They were likely (but I don't know) ready to defend if needed. But they had no need, and because it was foolish in the circumstance didn't - so nothing happened. Not that they shouldn't be allowed/have the right.

The only people that anything happened to were the two idiots that went out to confront a mob of 100+, not knowing who or what was in there (likely weapons and likely felons, with an unloaded AR and a replica. :o

I have the right to life, but will surely die if I jump off a cliff. There are lots of times on the highway I have the "right" of way and choose not to exercise it, because TRUCK. They are so stupid that if they endorse Trump it MUST be wrong! :lol:
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