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Re: Interesting morning

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2019 8:51 pm
by Bob
Buying ammunition with cash is just silly. Again - this is a great example of how overly-important someone thinks they are AND that something simple like that would actually be effective.

As a data-guy, a lack of data is data in and of itself! He may also buy other things like rem oil, etc, that would suggest how many and what type of guns he has. .Gov likely knows he has guns from licenses, background checks etc, or even a simple trip to the range. we won't even discuss that he told law enforcement guy this. [Be silent of be known] If they really care - they will put eyes on. How many ATF agents does this guy think he can take out anyway? Or does he not want them to know that he has 10 Million rounds and will kill the entire regional office if necessary?

Re: Interesting morning

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2019 6:55 am
by Bmyers
I have talked to several police officers/troopers and a couple of police chiefs and they said this is normal for the DEA and drug response team.

A couple pointed out, now that you have been cleared, I'm good to go make whatever I want. I just rolled my eyes.