Trail Clearing '24

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Trail Clearing '24

Post by Mac66 »

Now that I already have my buck I've been spending time clearing ATV/UTV trails around the property. Something I've wanted to do for the 30 years I've had the property.

I've probably cut 5 trails so far and am in the process of cutting a couple more. Some will have to be done in phases as I can chart out the paths but it's going to take some effort and cutting to remove fallen trees. I try to go around the logs but many times you can't.

Now that the leaves are down. It's easier to see paths through the woods.

There is a two track that runs down the center of the property. The west side is hilly and forested. The east side is swampy and has a couple beaver ponds on it in the SE corner. The west is easier to cut trails, its more open forest.
The east is wet and mucky has a lot of fallen trees that block your path.

There is a swamp that separates the south side. There are ridges that overlook the swamp from both the north and south but only a narrow ridge along the west property line around the west side of the swamp to get to the south side. Most of that hill is on the neighbor's property. There is a small muddy creek at the bottom of the hill that feeds the swamp. The ridge is too steep for vehicles so I'm going to have to cut a trail through the edge of the swamp.

With some effort I might be able to use fallen down trees as bridges if I can get my tractor back there to lift and haul them.

Probably not going to get the south side done until next year. I have next weekend and a couple days next week to work before rifle deer season begins. Then maybe again in December to continue. We'll see what I can get done in December.

I also bought some spray paint in different colors to color code the trails when the time comes.
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Re: Trail Clearing '24

Post by Mac66 »

Finished a trail I've been working on for 4 days. Started scouting out other possible trails. Ongoing work in progress.
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