Humanitarian Daily Rations (MREs)

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More MRE & HDR info

Post by Mac66 »

Actually been learning a thing or two about MREs.

-There is a date stamped/imbedded in the heavy plastic outer packaging. It is a 4 digit code in the Julian calendar. To convert it to our date you need to do a google search for MRE date code. When converted it tells you when the MRE or HDR was made, not when it expires. Without a converter typically the first digit it the last digit of the year it was made. So a 3 would be 2023* the next three digit is the day of the year example below 289 would be the 289th day of 2023 or October 16.

-The code is usually stamped into the lower flap


-Some MREs (2 out of the whole case) have the code printed on the back


-None of the HDRs had printed dates on them.

-Expiration is largely based on how the MRE/HDR are stored. If stored in a cool dry place they may last for a decade or longer.

-Generally, if the food package is not swelled up, opened, torn etc and doesn't smell funny when opened it is good to eat. Taste may lessen after time but it should still be good to eat.

The MRE's I just bought were all made in Oct '23*

The HDRs I bought were all made in '21 or '22. That's probably why they were on sale.

*But what if the MREs are over 10 years old.The guy I bought the MREs said they were old and expired. The first digit 3 could mean 2003, 2013 or 2023. I doubt he would have said that if they were made in 2023. I know the HDRs are 2021 & 2022 because there is a date on the box/case they came in. The date is not marked on the case the MREs are in.

I did find a MRE stashed away in one of my go bags that the first digit is 9. Was it made in 2019 or 1999 or 2009?
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