Fitness Goals

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Fitness Goals

Post by Mac66 »

My son asked me about 6 weeks ago if I wanted to run a 5k adventure race called the Wolverine 5K. It involves orienteering, canoeing, shooting and rucking cross country. I looked at it and called some Appleseed Instructors who I knew did is a couple years ago. They said it was really physically draining. I called my son and told him I probably couldn't do it even if I wanted to this year but maybe next year.

He said that he and a friend were in training for it and were taking supplements to build stamina and strength. He sent me a list of what he was taking and links to research that's he's done. When my wife and I went to see our grandson last weekend he gave me a couple bottles of what he was taking and a list of other stuff.

The list is vitamin D, Zinc and Magnesium as well as Creatine. He gave me supplements called Tongkat Ali and Fogdaia Agrestis.

I've been working out for a month but just started taking the vitamins (which I already had) and supplements he gave last monday. I haven't got any Creatine but will order some. I will keep a log to see if taking this stuff makes any difference.

When I started working out a month ago I did 5 minutes on the stair stepper, 5 mins on the elliptical, 5 on the stationary bike and 5 on treadmill. My legs and lungs were burning. I'm now doing 20 minutes on each at a higher level and I alternate walking and jogging on the treadmill. I haven't run in over 30 years but with a new knee (last year) I started.

On alternative days, I do a 30 minute weight circuit which consists of doing as many reps as you can for 60 seconds and then resting for 30. You do light cardio in between weight sets. You go from arms, cardio, legs, cardio, arms, cardio and rotate between the 3 for 30 minutes. I started using very light weight and have probably quadrupled the weight I use now. Not really doing it to get real strong, just in condition.

It's my son's opinion that those supplement will help me do that easier and sooner. I'm not much of a believer in supplements but I'm willing to give it a try for a month or two to see if there is any benefit.

So I doubt if at the age of 70 next year I will be able to or even want to do the adventure race but I'm a goal oriented guy and if nothing else I'll be in better shape next year even if I don't do it.
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Re: Fitness Goals

Post by Bmyers »

Good luck. It is amazing in such a short time the improvements you have seen, going from 5 minutes to 20 minutes.

Even if you decide not to try the race, the overall benefits for yourself will be worth all the effort.
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Re: Fitness Goals

Post by Mac66 »

If you've been in shape before it tends to come back sooner. I've been and athlete my whole life so I have the muscle memory. The key is not to push it at the beginning. Short times, light weights. Even so you have to expect it's going to hurt. I could barely walk the next day after those first couple five minute sessions. I could barely move after the first couple weight lifting sessions even though I was using very light weight. Which is why people put off going back to the gym after a layoff. I put it off for months before I sucked it up and just went.

After the soreness goes away you can add time & weight.

I can't think of anything more boring than the stair stepper, elliptical, bike and treadmill so you have to change the routine up.

We're getting into warmer weather which means more stuff outside. I'll be back on my bicycle soon and spending more and more time up at the woods house.

I'm pretty active at the woods house cutting/stacking wood, building deer blinds, digging fence post holes, planting the food plots etc. I have a laundry list as long as my arm of projects and stuff that needs to be done but that means less time in the gym.
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Re: Fitness Goals

Post by Bmyers »

I have been in shape for years, a round shape, but it is still a shape. :)
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