What'd ya get for Christmas that is good for preps

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What'd ya get for Christmas that is good for preps

Post by Mac66 »

I'll start....

My son got me a 125 amp Flux welder from Harbor Freight. Yeah, its a cheap one but gets good reviews. I've always wanted a welder and have a pile of broken stuff that needs tending to. Just have to get up to speed to learn how to use it. Youtube is your friend in that regard.

Also got a handful of SD cards to use in my trail cameras. It's been kind of a pain to pull the SD card, go back to the house to look at it and then return it to the camera. Started using/carrying an old digital camera as a card reader to look on site but just swapping the cards will make the whole process easier.

My wife got me a couple pair of work gloves. I think she is planning something :?
Last edited by Mac66 on Wed Dec 27, 2023 2:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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tom mac
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Re: What'd ya get for Christmas that is good for preps

Post by tom mac »

:lol: got canning lids and a new large pack of O2 absorbers
You can't fix stupid !
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Re: What'd ya get for Christmas that is good for preps

Post by David »

We don't exchange gifts anymore among the adults. But that leaves it wide open if I want/need to get something if needed.
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