Nightcore EA11 and EC11

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Nightcore EA11 and EC11

Post by David »

Two of my favorite lights, these are my EDC lights. I normally keep the EA11 (14500/AA) in my sling bag as back-up and carry the EC11 (18350/16340/CR123) on-body. They have the same mode functions so operation is the same for both.

EA11 and EC11 extended review

Both the EA11 and EC11 are discontinued, however, they are still available multiple places.

The top chart is with a quality 14500 battery (for the EA11) and the bottom chart with a standard AA battery. With a 14500 you are capable of 900 lumens on turbo which is an insane amount of light for such small packages. More impressive to me is the 1 lumen ultra low (moon mode) which can get up to 12 hours. Ultra low is extremely useful when you're not trying to draw attention to yourself or don't want to obliterate your night vision as badly as higher settings. My son once lost his wallet at the movie theater and I was able to go back and check under the seats using ultra low which didn't disturb anyone. Found the wallet.


Both have precisely the blinky functions I want. Best of all, they are somewhat out of the way so they don't interfere with normal operations. They are there if I need them but I can easily get to the more common modes without having to cycle through repeatedly to get to them. Only issue is that I need to actually use those modes occasionally to remember how to get to them. Has red light for night use so night vision isn't affected. I can check the battery level by tightening the thread cap and I can slightly unscrew the thread cap a quarter twist to preserve the battery as well as making sure it doesn't accidentally turn on in my pocket. It gets very warm/hot on turbo.


Function PDF: ... 596671.pdf
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Re: Nightcore EA11 and EC11

Post by David »

Well, as a result of going out to the new property as often as we do, and much of it leads to being there when the sun goes down, I've started pocket carrying the EC11 as a primary EDC. That leaves the two AAA lights on my key chain as good back ups. And those AAA lights are fine, but they simply don't have the options of the EC11.
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Re: Nightcore EA11 and EC11

Post by David »

We were out on the property again Friday night after dark. Met up with some of the neighbors also building a house on our street and started walking in and around some of the houses chatting about stuff. Had the trusty EC11 in my pocket so I was using it but the battery started running down. No problem, I had the EA11 in my sling bag in the car. Same light just different batteries so I was GTG.

I have spare batteries for the EA11 in my bag (AA and 14500) but realized I needed some spare for the EC11 (18350, 16340 or CR123). So I'll need to add a battery case with spares.

Got everything charged up yesterday.

One of the nice features of these lighta is they have a battery check.
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Re: Nightcore EA11 and EC11

Post by David »

I have the EA11 in my EDC sling bag but I haven't been able to find my EC11 since the move. Not quite sure what happened to it. Both are discontinued and I can't find either anywhere. However, I saw the Nitecore MT10C for $39 and it looks to pretty much be the same thing as the EC11 with some slight differences. ... -mt10c.htm



So I ordered one which should be here before Christmas. Takes either an 18350 or CR123. The 18350 will give it the highest output of course but the CR123 is commonly found which is a positive. I prefer a light that takes at least two different types of batteries. The lumen output is similar with a possible slight advantage to the new model. Whether or not it will be visibly different...probably not. And that's fine. I like the features on it.

Now I'll probably find the EC11 now that I've ordered the MT10C but I suppose that's fine as well :D
A man cannot call himself peaceful if he is not capable of violence. If he's not capable of violence he isn't peaceful, he is harmless. There is a distinct difference.

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