New Holster Day!
Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 8:28 am
So, the HK USP for all of its pure awesome, does not have a standard rail. Your options are ridiculous HK light, or a rail adapter for whatever you want. When my insight M# finally died, I went rail adapter. Unfortunately, my Blackhawk Serpa no longer fit the gun! In fact, almost NO holster except for nylon adjustable thigh rigs fit gun + light!
Until now - behold the Blackhawk Omnivore: HK USP + GGG Rail adapter + TLR1
Not the greatest design in the universe, but I really need a way to hold that gun in SHTF. Not worried about conceal. Just want it on me. Based on vids - looks like it really could hold nearly anything. Especially things with lights. The attach/lock point is actually the TLR1.
Dave - I have a Blackhawk Serpa in Carbon Fiber (with holster, paddle/belt attachments, and a mag-light holder as well) - let me know. Probably be great for your USP
Until now - behold the Blackhawk Omnivore: HK USP + GGG Rail adapter + TLR1
Not the greatest design in the universe, but I really need a way to hold that gun in SHTF. Not worried about conceal. Just want it on me. Based on vids - looks like it really could hold nearly anything. Especially things with lights. The attach/lock point is actually the TLR1.
Dave - I have a Blackhawk Serpa in Carbon Fiber (with holster, paddle/belt attachments, and a mag-light holder as well) - let me know. Probably be great for your USP