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Stanford Study info

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 8:59 am
by tom mac
Anyone else give belief to the Stanford Study released a few days ago...

I'm thinking many more have had the virus than knew and total numbers are skewed

brief: ... 20062463v1

The controversies

The studies’ overall findings appeared to align with what scientists had long known: that Covid-19 cases are undercounted both because a shortage of tests means only the sickest patients are tested and because some of those infected never show symptoms.

But they also drew immediate controversy. Protesters advocating for the end of stay-at-home orders latched on to them to argue that the virus is only about as deadly as the common flu and that it is time for the US to reopen for business. Some critics questioned comments by one of the authors of the Santa Clara study, the Stanford medicine and epidemiology professor John Ioannidis, who used the results to promote the controversial view that the coronavirus is “not the apocalyptic problem we thought” and that societal lockdowns were an expensive and potentially deadly overreaction.

Re: Stanford Study info

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 1:00 am
by bdcochran
I read the study.
My reactions:
1. I don't disagree with the observations and the conclusions.

A situation developed with a great deal of unknowns.

a Japanese infectious disease specialist supervising a docked cruise ship contracted it despite protections.
Chinese medical doctors died.
A comedian MORON jumped quarantine saying that he had no symptoms so he didn't have the disease and couldn't pass it on.

people reasonably assumed that people with serious underlying medical conditions would have a higher die off rate. however, no one was moving people out of rest homes/assisted living/hospices/hospitals.

people did not know that 50-80% of people put on ventilators would die anyway.

2. the issue is political as well as scientific. If you are a politician and you have the ability to end lockdowns, you will be blamed for each and every death that happens after you stop a lockdown.

Re: Stanford Study info

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 9:47 am
by tom mac
Yes, VERY political and unknown has gotten us here.
The old damned if do / don't

Re: Stanford Study info

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 10:55 pm
by Bob
Just saw this thread. Been saying that forever. Can't wait to see if anyone ever untangles all the BS around this thing. Doubtful it will ever be done. So much bad/wrong/stupid from leaders they will never allow it to be admitted.

Re: Stanford Study info

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 12:24 pm
by Bmyers
I think we will eventually get the answers, but you will be looking at 10 years or longer before you start seeing the right answers.