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Should you wear a mask in public?

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 6:11 pm
by Mac66

Re: Should you wear a mask in public?

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 8:41 pm
by Bob
That is purely correlational data. There could be other factors besides 'wearing masks" and wearing masks is a general statement - not a measurable factor.

But - given what we know about the spread...likely would not have hurt.

Re: Should you wear a mask in public?

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 8:49 pm
by David
As someone that has worn a lot of masks in his career...

There are several factors to consider. Is the mask that is being worn sufficient to protect against the virus? If it isn't, then it can actually be a bad idea because if the virus were to get on the outside surface of the mask, and the mask is not sufficient to filter out the virus, that means you are continually breathing in the virus that is getting through the filter. It may stop you from touching your face, but it may not stop the virus (any virus) from getting through the filter if the filter isn't designed to keep it out. Gives a false sense of security.

Secondly, let's say the mask is sufficient to keep out a virus. Is it 'one and done' or is it reused? If reused, how is it being stored? Are you touching the outside? Of course you are when you put it on and take it off. Lots of considerations.

Re: Should you wear a mask in public?

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 11:42 pm
by aerynsun
Have you ever been near someone with bad breath? You don't need to be very close.

I always enjoy how crooks learn the benefit from a crisis - wearing a mask to rob a store.

People in Asia wear a mask when they are sick out of respect for others. I think that is a good idea. Aside from sending out the virus it says to others; stay 6 feet away.

Re: Should you wear a mask in public?

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 8:40 am
by tom mac
Wear it if you have a cough or sick.... otherwise not.
IIRC, the n95 mask stops a cough/sneeze going out but the virus can get in as it's smaller than the filtering agent

Re: Should you wear a mask in public?

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2020 9:45 am
by Mac66
I think the point is...if everyone wears a mask, such as they do in many Asian countries it would reduce the spread of the virus. If worn properly and if used correctly (not touching it, washing it on a regular basis etc) then it's better than nothing. Even a homemade mask stops the virus from direct contact with your mucus membranes.

Re: Should you wear a mask in public?

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 10:44 am
by Bob
See - this is my whole point about the masks. False sense of security.

Do you know how many 6 ft violations you see on a sidewalk, let alone in a store? As Dave said also, and I'm sure he has had way more training than I have (maybe not this specific) the procedures/protocols for bio-safety are harsh. People trained in them fail them. People are a wreck. Touch the mask, the face, sleeves, gloves on/off all wrong. They are a mess.

Stay in if you don't have to go out. THAT is viral safety.

Re: Should you wear a mask in public?

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 11:30 am
by Mac66
Well Bob, since the virus is mostly spread by people who don't know they are sick i.e, asymptomatic it would seem to make sense to put up a barrier on both sides. That would contain the virus in those who are asymptomatic and protect the person on the other side. Not foolproof and not 100% but would reduce the spread.

And the "false sense of security" thing is BS. It's just common sense. People still have to grocery shop and go out in public. They are going to do it whether wearing a mask or not. Better to have something than nothing.

"Stay in if you don't have to go out. AND WEAR A MASK IF YOU DO HAVE TO GO OUT. THAT is viral safety."

Re: Should you wear a mask in public?

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 12:46 pm
by Bmyers
We went to the store and wife and I both wore mask. I would say a little over 50% of the people were wearing mask. I felt like I was dressed to rob the place, put knowing that what I was doing was to reduce the chance of me spreading the virus to someone if I have it and not know it. I'm willing to take that simple step if it helps keep others safe.

I was still able to shop and get what I needed.

Re: Should you wear a mask in public?

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 3:30 pm
by Mac66
I went into a grocery store in a small town in Northern Michigan last Thursday. Coming from SE Mich where everyone pretty much wears a mask to a small town I was the only one in the store wearing a mask. That immediately marked me as being from out of town. The virus just isn't a thing there.

That town is the county seat w/ about 10K residents. The county has 30K residents and has 7 cases. The chances of getting it are quite low.