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New York and Shelter In Place / Corona

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 8:59 am
by Bob
So many comments here:

#1 Cuomo telling El Presidente how to run the country, as if the majority of the world thinks like he does
- Which is what that mindset is
#2 How quickly they went to that solution
- As of necessary or enforceable
#3 How enforceable is that
- Here is why you have you militarized police
#4 Do large population centers need this?
- I don't know. They might.
#5 How prepared are you really?
- I doubt .Gov is able to support you in that strategy

Re: New York and Shelter In Place / Corona

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 10:22 am
by maypo59
Luckily, we purposely don't live in a population center, and have never planned for the .gov to save us..

Re: New York and Shelter In Place / Corona

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 4:42 pm
by Strayz
1. So he won a popularity contest, that still means only half the people even like him at best. Definitely over stepping the size of his shorts.

2. has to show how much power he has and flex.

3. Depends on the sheep. I mean people of NYC let themselves be pushed around. Even though he has the biggest police force just remember if they start a riot and killing people, the people know where they and their families live. As gruesome as it sounds most beat cops understand that you do not poo where you sleep.

4. It depends on your outlook. Do you want to get sick, or do you want to stay healthy and not be the reaper to deliver to a sick person some bug that may kill them. Let your conscious be your guide.

5. Better than most, not as good as the extreme preppers. Most up here know we need assistance from the .gov but also know we are the first forgotten by it as well.

Here in Alaska just over a year ago we had a 7.1 quake. Anywhere else in the world would have hundreds or thousands of deaths with a quake that size next to a population center of 250k people, we had none. We prep not because it is fashionable, we prep because we want to live and understand logistics. Most people up here have 2-4 weeks of food and what not.

Most people no mater where they are get to about 4-5 days and they will start going stir crazy. That is when we are going to see what the .gov has planned for us.

Re: New York and Shelter In Place / Corona

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 6:14 pm
by Bob
A Parish in LA is setting a curfew. it comes.

Dude - you are in Alaska?

Re: New York and Shelter In Place / Corona

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 12:41 pm
by Strayz
Bob wrote: Tue Mar 17, 2020 6:14 pm

Dude - you are in Alaska?
Only on days that end with a "Y"


Yeah, it is kinda cool up here. Just had 4 inches of snow fall this morning. My 6Ft good neighbor fence has a snow berm on it and is more like a good neighbor edge trim. :D

Re: New York and Shelter In Place / Corona

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:52 am
by Bob
And California, New York and Illinois go totalitarian first! Imagine that...

Notice how fast they all request soldiers and immediately lock you down for your own good???

Re: New York and Shelter In Place / Corona

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 7:38 pm
by Mac66
Michigan now has a stay at home order except for essential personnel and you can still go to the gas station or any store or take out place that's open. It's a $500 fine and a misdemeanor offense. But who's going to enforce it and how? Will they be setting up road blocks, stopping people and putting them in jail. That would seem to be counter productive in an epidemic.

I'll be heading up to my cabin tomorrow to spend a few days cutting trees. I'll up there all by myself a mile away from the closest neighbor. I have enough gas to make it there and back without stopping. Let's hope I don't get stopped along the way.

Re: New York and Shelter In Place / Corona

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2020 9:47 am
by David
Florida, at least parts of it will likely receive a shelter-in-place order by this weekend. From what I'm hearing the store and appointments (doctor and such) will still be allowed. Hard if not impossible to enforce but likely to get most to comply.

Those coming to Florida from New York are being encouraged to self-isolate for 14 days. Again, hard to enforce. However, I would think from a civil suit standpoint, law suits could be brought against individuals that didn't self-isolate, came in contact with someone and that person got sick. Possibly a tricky suit to prove but thinking of the idiot on the Jet Blue flight that tested positive, flew anyway and did not self-isolate after returning home. Anyone on that flight or came in contact that got the virus could bring a tort against him in civil court. Don't know if they could win, but a case could be made.

Re: New York and Shelter In Place / Corona

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 11:51 am
by Bob
Imagine if you jail me and I get corona....

Re: New York and Shelter In Place / Corona

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 2:57 pm
by Mac66
I drove up to my cabin yesterday. Very few people on the roads. Lot's of state police out, apparently with nothing to do ;) . They weren't bothering anyone. Chronographed some hand loads for my 44 and 357 mags. Cut some wood. No problems