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Guns-n-ammo buying craze

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 5:18 pm
by David
Well, TP, hand sanitizer and cases of water bottles aren't the only thing on the panic-buying shopping list. Been looking at videos of gun stores that have been bought out or close to it. One video of a gun store had the owner walking around showing all the empty cases and walls and shelves. He had four .22 rifles left and a couple of revolvers. Ammo was about gone as well.

Online seems to be okay from the limited searching I've done lately. Some say it's gone up a bit. I just ordered 500 rounds of 115 fmj 9mm from Bass Pro for $84.99 ($92.22 with tax) and free shipping. Already on it's way. I ordered because I have several BP gift cards to use and figured ammo is always a good thing with the amount of shooting I've been doing and plan on doing at the range and matches.

Maybe the ammo companies will ramp up production to meet the expected demand but then the panic-buying stops and prices go down a bit. That's always nice.

Re: Guns-n-ammo buying craze

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 6:35 pm
by Ronin.45
I really don't understand the ammo and gun buying for a virus. Especially one that's only infected 3,500 people so far in the US. If it was 35million people and the supply chains were out of service, then I could see a bit more panic prepping. It's not like you can shoot a virus and we are a long way from shooting each other to survive.
If I look for silver linings, maybe I'll be able to sell the old shotgun I've been sitting on for a while.

Re: Guns-n-ammo buying craze

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2020 9:58 pm
by Bob

#1 Tin Foil Preppers believe it is the beginning of Martial law and the blue hats will be coming from the One World Government soon!!!!
#2 If I have enough bullets I'll be able to kill people and take their toilet paper!!!!
#3 Fear of lawlessness as police become utterly disabled with corona and they need a way to protect themselves!!!
#4 Fear of those with guns coming to take their stuff
#4 Fear that this may mutate and we become zombies

I can go on. Fear of scarcity all around basically.

Re: Guns-n-ammo buying craze

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 10:48 am
by ratf51
The fear is not the virus but people's response to the virus. We don't fully understand this virus yet and we fear the unknown. It does not seem to be more deadly than the regular old flu right now but it does seem to be more contagious. To quote Frank Herbert, "Fear is the mind killer." With the supply of services and goods strained people will begin to do stupid bad things. Ergo, have some way to protect yourself.

From the articles I have read most of the purchasers are first time buyers or people who only kept a few rounds with their hunting rifle or shotgun. What is frightening is the number of people who will buy a gun and never even shoot it.

In the spring of '08 a friend of mine told me that every time he went to WMart he would pick up a bulk pack of .22. At the time the price was under $15 and usually about $12. The writing was on the wall for the coming election and his take was to stock up on ammo. I was just getting traction with becoming more prepared so I began to do the same. It was not long before I had a bunch of .22 ammo. I began to slowly purchase ammo for my handguns and long guns. I built up my "emergency/shtf" stash.

I keep, for me, a healthy supply of "non-emergency stash" ammo on hand. I buy when I shoot or find a good deal. The majority of people on this site probably have not felt compelled to run out and buy right now because you have done the same. For right now-- keep your head and keep it down.

Re: Guns-n-ammo buying craze

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:44 am
by Bob
See - here was the thing. Obama did not do a damn thing to curtail your gun rights. Yet the ammo disappeared...That was right wing idiots, and peppers that did that.

The Virus is not the "cause" of the fear. The Flu happens every years and this does not occur. This is a manufactured fear. The math does not support the response.

Also - insanely huge Frank Herbert fan. Read the White Plague.

Re: Guns-n-ammo buying craze

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 10:28 pm
by Bob
OMG - wen to two Gun stores today. I had no idea it was like this!!!

I now believe that the virus was created by Remington/Winchester/Glock etc.

Obama and school shootings didn't move anywhere near this ammo of Iron over 8 years!!!!

Re: Guns-n-ammo buying craze

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2020 12:18 pm
by Bob
Who is buying all the guns????

Is it tin foil peppers wanting TEOTWAKI?
Is it Libs who just figured out what happens when the police get sick?
Is it gun guys who all realized they could scam a rifle out of this to their wife/girlfriend?

Re: Guns-n-ammo buying craze

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 10:12 am
by David
Gun and ammo prices (for the most part) are still stupidly high on Armslist right now.

As far as who's buying up all the guns? Probably a little bit across the spectrum. And of course it's the wrong time to buy unless you like paying a premium. Wait till they find out they can't return that pistol and ammo after the 'crisis' has passed. Who knows, maybe the b/s/t sites will get hit with a glut of good deals in a month or so as people try to unload their newly purchased pistol.

Re: Guns-n-ammo buying craze

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 11:00 am
by Bmyers
It has been fun educating some of my anti-gun friends as they now all want guns, but can't get them.

They are worried as more reports on the news of the number off officers infected and not reporting to work that they are going to be on their own.

I get to explain to them by September they may be lucky enough to have their FOID card and be able to look at purchasing a gun. I've had them ask to borrow and even sell them guns, which I pointed out is illegal due to the gun laws.

Re: Guns-n-ammo buying craze

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 11:58 am
by David
Gun Shop: Okay, come back in 10 days to pick up your gun.

Liberal: But I want my gun now!

Gun Shop: Do you believe in gun control?

Liberal: Well, yeah...

Gun Shop: This is gun control, see you in 10 days.