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Post by Mac66 »

Some of you might remember my Keto thread which I started 2 years ago in Jan 2018. I thought I would do a quick update and synapses of the journey I've been on.

First, I am still doing Keto every day. It's become my normal WOE, (way of eating).

Second, I am within 4 lbs of my lowest weight. I ultimately lost over 60 lbs but have kept off 56 lbs as I settled into the best weight for me. That's about 20 lbs lower then I intended or that I'd ever been on other diets. Once I got going it was easy to lose the extra weight.

I had gone for 3 years after losing weight in 2014 then fell off the wagon due to the stress of taking care of my dad after his stroke. I had been on a modified weight watchers/medical weight loss diet. I was able to keep the weight off for 3 years but struggled with it every day.

I tried keto i.e, high fat, low carb, medium protein diet as a way to address what I later learned was my sugar addiction. That's why I struggled, I physically craved sugar (carbs).

Basically I cut out all bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, juices, beer and all sweet stuff i.e. cakes and anything with sugar or is sweet. That pretty much cuts 2/3 of your calorie intake. You make up for it by eating healthy fats, green vegetables and meat. The thing with keto is that you eat greasy/fatty food and protein which is very satisfying and you eat till you're full. I rarely have cravings or the need to binge on anything else. In fact I've not had a slice of bread or any pasta, rice or potatoes, cookies, cake or anything sweet in 2 years. I have had three beers (liquid bread) all at different times.

It has been remarkably easy to maintain. I pretty much eat what I want to eat which is healthy fats, protein and vegetables. I no longer count calories or carbs. Once you go through the sugar withdrawal you no longer have sugar cravings and it's pretty easy to maintain. Anything with sugar tastes sickeningly sweet, yuck!

Oh, and my blood pressure and cholesterol has gone down as well. I been healthier than I've been for 30 years. People also use keto to treat diabetes.

Bottom line, if you've struggled with your weight and tried all kinds for diets like I have but never could keep the weight off you could be addicted to sugar (food manufacturers put sugar into everything for the last 40+ years which is why obesity and diabetes is at epidemic proportions). The average American eats 4-5 times the recommended amount of carbs (sugar) every day and about 10 times more carbs than they need.
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Re: Keto

Post by David »

You're 100% right about all the empty calories the typical person consumes. I don't drink alcohol at all so that's one area I've never had to worry about. In the last 20+ years I've had a handful of root beers or creme sodas, probably less than 12 total. Bread is somewhat of a weakness. My wife and her family are from Israel so I'm more or less on a Mediterranean diet except for work.

I know one thing for sure, if we don't buy it we don't eat it! That's the key; keep it out of the house. For the most part I can maintain at work and skip the sweet stuff but I do have the occasional cookie or pie. Both of which I could do without.
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Re: Keto

Post by Mac66 »

It's good that you can control your intake of carbs. My wife is like that. She can eat just about anything in moderation. If you were like me, you'd be physically addicted and couldn't control it. LIke an alcoholic can't have just one drink, I can't have one cookie. I realize that and have resigned myself to not eating anything like that. It's really not too hard once you've gone through withdrawal.
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Re: Keto

Post by tom mac »

Yes, they put sugar in everything...
That's why i make bread with whole wheat flour ... simple flour, water, yeast, touch of salt.
Allows me to have a slice now and then without the sugar issue of white bread. ( double carbs, whole wheat slows the blood sugar rise )
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Re: Keto

Post by Mac66 »

Update Jan 5, 2021

It's now been three years on keto. Still going strong. I slacked off and gained a few pounds over the holidays but a couple days of intermittent fasting will take care of that.
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