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Re: Looks like areas are getting hit hard

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 9:04 am
by tom mac
Can't put myself in their shoes... but thinking if that was me in Atlanta with all going on, I'd let him run.
They had the car so could id him.

Also, Was hearing that the cops are putting in for early retirement... not surprising when there is no support.

Re: Looks like areas are getting hit hard

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 4:36 pm
by Bmyers
Read that the major cities are seeing a mass exodus of law enforcement.

Re: Looks like areas are getting hit hard

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 8:45 pm
by Bob
Bmyers wrote: Mon Jun 15, 2020 7:53 am
Bob wrote: Sun Jun 14, 2020 10:47 pm
Bmyers wrote: Sun Jun 14, 2020 5:12 am Stop breaking the laws and you won't get shot.
But that right there is the very issue.

There are a lot of laws where getting shot is completely wrong. Yet, people get shot.
And there are more laws that a criminal should be shot over.

When criminals have more rights than the victims, the system is broken.
Oh yeah - system totally jacked up. Watching the media circus on this...I hope the Chief just said "I'm not dealing with this. I'm out. Not my problem anymore..."

Re: Looks like areas are getting hit hard

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 8:48 pm
by Bob
My podcast guy gave a great show on "the death of the city" As with all things - we went to an extreme, and then when stress hit, it falls apart. 8000 people per square mile: Too much stress, too close, too little resource, too much need for order. 8 per square mile = infinite sustain.

And when 1/2 the population lives in cities, naturally they have to control the resources. Monsanto will continue to ship food, as will Haliburton.

Independent farmers could destroy a city in a week just by halting delivery with nearly no consequence.

Re: Looks like areas are getting hit hard

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 8:59 am
by Bmyers
Been reading a little on the two Atlanta cases.

Atlanta has been a hotspot for police issues lately.
If you remember, 5 officers were fired and at least two of them charged with aggravated assault charges because they tazed two black people in a vehicle. The officers were also charged with battery.
The next incident involved two officers at Wendy's trying to take a black man into custody and shot and killed him. The mayor wants both officers fired and removed  along with murder charges. 
What I find interesting is there are several things in common:
Both involve Atlanta PD
Both involve a tazer

Why is it when the officers used the tazer on the black people to take them into custody they were charged with aggravated assault?

Georgia law: A person commits the offense of aggravated assault when he or she assaults:(
1) With intent to murder, to rape, or to rob;
(2) With a deadly weapon or with any object, device, or instrument which, when used offensively against a person, is likely to or actually does result in serious bodily injury;
(3) With any object, device, or instrument which, when used offensively against a person, is likely to or actually does result in strangulation; or
(4) A person or persons without legal justification by discharging a firearm from within a motor vehicle toward a person or persons.

Yet, when the officers at Wendys responds with deadly force to a tazer, that the DA had just previously stated was deadly force and charged the other officers with a crime for using it, it is now illegal for the officers to use deadly force to defend themselves from a deadly weapon?

So which is it Mr DA? Is the tazer deadly force or is it not? If you are charging the first set of officers with using a deadly weapon, then the officers at Wendys responded correctly. If you drop the aggravated assault charges against the first set officers and state that the tazer is not deadly force, then the officers at Wendys would be in question for the force used.

Re: Looks like areas are getting hit hard

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 2:16 pm
by David

Re: Looks like areas are getting hit hard

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 8:25 am
by tom mac
Saw the above vid....
Shooter at a protest re statue ?... it was claimed he sprayed others with pepper spray and knocked down woman protestor..was leaving scene followed by protestors and they attacked him... subject with skateboard that struck him also had a knife so shooting charge were dropped after.
But still being charge with other crimes.

Re: Looks like areas are getting hit hard

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 8:43 am
by Bmyers
The head of Atlanta's police union confirmed Wednesday that officers from the Atlanta Police Department in Zones 3 and 6 walked off the job Wednesday afternoon.

Vince Champion, southeast regional director of the International Brotherhood of Police officers, said that police officers had stopped answering calls midshift, in response to charges against Officer Garrett Rolfe who is accused of murdering Rayshard Brooks in Atlanta.

"The union, we would never advocate this. We wouldn't advocate a blue flu," Champion said. "We don't know the numbers. Apparently we're learning that command staff are asking outlying counties for support and aren't getting it."
Zones 3 and 6 cover south Atlanta, where Rolfe killed Rayshard Brooks after a June 12 DUI arrest turned into an altercation. Rolfe fired three bullets at Brooks as he fled with a taser in hand. Video of the shooting suggests Brooks pointed the taser at officers as he fled.
Atlanta INtown reports, "A drive around Zone 6 indicated there was not the usual APD presence. A Georgia State Patrol unit was handling a two-car accident at Boulevard and Edgewood Avenue around 9 p.m. The APD's precinct at Wellstar Atlanta Medical Center appeared empty. Down in Grant Park, the Zone 3 precinct was populated by Fulton County Sheriff units."

Re: Looks like areas are getting hit hard

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 8:45 am
by Bmyers ... rd-brooks/

Despite the fact that the bodycam video clearly showed Brooks firing the Taser at officers before he was shot, the Fulton County DA opined on Sunday that the drunk driver was no threat to police.

“(Brooks) did not seem to present any kind of threat to anyone, and so the fact that it would escalate to his death just seems unreasonable,” DA Paul Howard told CNN. “It just seems like this is not the kind of conversation and incident that should have led to someone’s death.”

Re: Looks like areas are getting hit hard

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 2:48 pm
by bdcochran
I have not watched any video and have no opinion on any charges. What is notable to me only is that there was a procedure of having a different police agency review similar situations and make recommendations to a local DA and the local DA bypassed that procedure. The local D.A. also bypassed the available option of presenting his information to a Grand Jury and rejected that option.

Now the games begin.

Years ago, there was a local murder trial. My late wife knew attorneys for the prosecution and the defense so I had an opportunity to speak with both sides years after the trial. One of the prosecutors who is now a retired judge told me that if the defense had not delayed the trial, he would have lost. The prosecution just didn't have the case together when it was filed. If what Bmyers relates is accurate and there is other evidence that the defense can bring to bear, then maybe the defense (hired by the police union) will NOT do the usual waiver of time. Then the D.A. will have a real problem. The defense may also have the option of a jury or bench trial that it can exercise.