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Re: Looks like areas are getting hit hard

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 9:12 am
by Bob
Grady Judd needs a TV show. Those who don't see him regularly have no idea what they are missing.

Re: Looks like areas are getting hit hard

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 10:42 am
by David

Re: Looks like areas are getting hit hard

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 12:00 pm
by tom mac
Here local the response of Police is aprox 4min+ average.... In VA were we go alot, it can be up to 35 mins.

Either way since from FBI stats say the average gunfight includes three rounds fired over three seconds from a distance of 3 yards, both are way to long.

Be careful and prepared.

Re: Looks like areas are getting hit hard

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 6:57 am
by Bmyers
IF the left gets their way to defend the police, those response times will become much, much longer.

Re: Looks like areas are getting hit hard

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 10:09 am
by tom mac
de-fund ?

I can see that helping.... better call ghost-busters

Re: Looks like areas are getting hit hard

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 10:12 am
by David
This is how serous the position is at this time, and if you are a praying person to pray for POTUS and this country;
  • We know the rioters are not part of the protestors. This isn't conspiracy theory, this is fact as stated by the DOJ/FBI. That these are well funded paid agitators that contain both anarchists and socialists/communists (as evident by there own words and the flags they carry).
  • We know that the radical left in power in certain states is funding them or aiding them directly and indirectly. Again, as stated by the DOJ/FBI which state that they have infiltrated them and that investigations are underway into the money trails.
  • We know that certain radical left governmental authorities are letting criminals out of prison under the guise of the virus while at the same time attempting to defund police agencies. This is stated fact.
  • We know that the Mayor of D.C. is kicking out the National Guard, cancelling the curfew, not allowing the D.C. police to aid in protecting the White House and National sights. She is demanding that the barriers to the White House be removed and even the fencing all the way around the White House be removed. This is her own words. Thus she is doing everything she possibly can to aid the rioters in D.C. to storm the White House which threatens our Constitutional Republic to the core because of politics.
  • We know that the MSM is complicit. They downplay the rioters as 'protestors'. They downplay the attacks on police and the numbers that have been killed or injured. They straight up fabricate the truth as to what actually happened in specific events.

None of this is conjecture, it is fact. When politicians aid in an insurgency it is time for the public at large to take notice. It isn't about a single police officer and a single suspect. That was simply the 'crisis' used to launch a full scale war from within the United States of America. It isn't theory, it isn't an 'interesting problem to consider'. It is an attempt to overthrow a duly elected President. There will very likely be an assault on the White House very soon. This isn't conspiracy theory, it is stated plans by Antifa and BLM. The next stated plan is going into houses in neighborhoods.

Re: Looks like areas are getting hit hard

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 3:46 pm
by David

Re: Looks like areas are getting hit hard

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2020 9:41 am
by tom mac

Re: Looks like areas are getting hit hard

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 8:19 pm
by David

Re: Looks like areas are getting hit hard

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 10:38 pm
by Bob
Hey - stop calling these people Anarchists! They give anarchy a bad name!!!!! That's an example of the right co-opting a word.

Anarchy = No Hierarchy, No Oligarchy, or any other other archy, especially MALARCHY! It does not mean no government, no rules, etc. That is from the movies. And .Gov in it's WORST forms is about anything but Anarchy, because that means totally rearranging the status quo!

The majority of the problems we have are because of unconstitutional, illegal, and flat out insensible laws, that of course, need to be enforced (allegedly). You know - all imposed there Hierarchy. In anarchy - it is really really tough to force others to do what you want. That only bothers people that are out to control you.

Don't hurt other people
Don't take stuff that doesn't belong to you

It really is that simple.