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Re: Looks like areas are getting hit hard

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 9:11 am
by tom mac
Me thinks they were just a bit to SLOW to activate after day one...

Re: Looks like areas are getting hit hard

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 9:15 am
by David
Just saw the request go out for 1000 additional N.G.

Re: Looks like areas are getting hit hard

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 9:38 am
by Mac66
Trouble and a death in Detroit last night.

The problem is that the police represent the government and act on it's behalf. There has been systemic racism in the US for centuries which is taken out on the lowest minority. Ironically it was and is most prevalent in Democrats who continue to treat minorities like children and foster a plantation mentality, that they are to be taken care of by the gov. I think now is the time for conservatives to make that point that if minorities want to be truly free they need to stand on their own two feet. That means a strong economy (like under Trump). A job and making money is the most liberating thing you can give someone.

As for the rioting. I don't endorse it but I understand it. It may turn out to be a long hot summer.

Re: Looks like areas are getting hit hard

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 9:49 am
by Bob
Every time this kind of thing happens I tell people "It only divides us, and keeps us from solving the real problem". Every time a white person kills a black, it is not racism Klan death squad activity.

The real problem is that we have a POLICE problem - not a race problem. we have that too, but the Police problem is way greater issue than the race issue.

The three main contributors:
#1 Black Leaders who get points and credibility by standing up up for imaginary racism. They manipulate blacks far more than anyone for their own greed, power and influence. Really need to stop listening to them.
#2 Criminals. ~15% of the population, any race, are just punk @$$ lazy thugs who look for excuses. Don't be part of them
#3 The media. They exist to stir crap where no crap exists.

Back to the problem: It was NOT one officer in the wrong there. There were four...and not one moved to stop that guy. That isn't "a few bad apples"

Re: Looks like areas are getting hit hard

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 5:15 pm
by Bmyers ... protesting

Link has a list of major cities that have riots, damage caused, and deaths,

Re: Looks like areas are getting hit hard

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 5:54 pm
by Bmyers
St. Louis has protestors going on now, watching it on the news.

Re: Looks like areas are getting hit hard

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 7:13 pm
by bdcochran
LA. The area is Hollywood adjacent. Few hundred people. Same morons who blocked the freeway the other day. The area has people with alternate lifestyles and who blame the establishment for their failures. Fat white women against the police. Police cars trashed. A few small stores burning.

Smart tactic has been to announce 8 pm curfew downtown only. Allows 4 hours to call in everyone on multiple shifts. Can then do mass arrests which will be upheld.

Re: Looks like areas are getting hit hard

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 6:42 am
by Bmyers ... and-riots/
Above link is a map that you can click on and see what is going on.

I'm reading this morning that Ferguson is at it again. Seven officers were hurt there last night during the rioting and looting.

Re: Looks like areas are getting hit hard

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 8:00 am
by Bmyers
Was just reading on Secondcitycop blog that Chicago has been hit hard:

Busy at Work (UPDATES)
As we stated yesterday, posting is going to be sporadic and delayed. Bear with us. In the meantime, we are appalled at how badly the administration and "leadership" has failed during these riots.

First up, everyone keeps saying "Protest." These aren't protests.

Second, there is no cohesive plan:
Groot threw together some sort of parking ban downtown, but then someone scattered cops all over the place in groups of ten or fifteen, leaving pockets of isolated officers when hundreds and thousands of assholes descended on them;
dumpsters being wheeled into the streets as barricades....for the rioters. Streets and San should have been out all night with flatbeds sweeping these things up and parking them at Soldier Field;
squads parked so close to the line of march that guerilla attackers slashed dozens tires rendering them inoperable for moving officers around anywhere and easily set ablaze...and tow trucks were unable to access the area;
the 10-1's all over the radio were only a hint at what a disaster this is turning out to be;
Cops losing equipment, hats, cuffs, vests;
A sergeant with a broken wrist yesterday, and other with a broken arm Saturday;
cops being dragged into the crowd and beaten;
not to mention eggs, bottles, rocks, etc....and no helmets until Saturday;
rioters attempting to flip multiple occupied wagons - something that hasn't been done since the Humboldt Park riots of the 70's we think;
Car 44 send Area 4 Incident Teams downtown until after 2030 hours
Last we heard before heading in tonight was the CTA was still running and the bridges were down, enabling rioters free access to pretty much wherever they could get to. Did no one see Batman Begins? It was filmed partially in Chicago and to contain an out of control eruption of violence, Gotham raised the bridges. (UPDATE: Some bridges up after 1900 hours)

Gas Teams? Pepper Ball guns? LRAD? Not a one. (UPDATE: Gas team(s) deployed around 1930 hours)

The pepper ball guns were used to great effect by the Denver Police yesterday. Check out the videos if you can find them. And after rioters surrounded two precincts in New York (84th and 88th?) the NYPD laid them out like stunned mackerel.

But here, we're cannon fodder for Groot's progressive order.

UPDATE: Michigan Avenue is trashed.

Re: Looks like areas are getting hit hard

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 9:51 am
by David
As I've said, there is a difference between a protestor and a rioter/paid bad actor. This isn't conspiracy theory (which btw was a term coined by the CIA to cast dispersion on those that were stating the truth).

Many of these rioters are not from the area they are rioting in and this was actually reported on the MSM last night. Not sure why they let that slip into the broadcast. Once again, they are being bused in by those paying the bills. Footage is emerging of some of these 'rioter's with ear pieces in their ears. They are getting comm directions from an outside source.


These are coordinated attacks by Antifa and BLM, both of which are nothing more than domestic terrorist groups. I firmly believe that the 'panDEMic' is fizzling out so this has been put in place to change the news cycle i.e. it's a false flag event(s). Stay safe.