Should you wear a mask in public?

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Re: Should you wear a mask in public?

Post by aerynsun »

Bob wrote: Sun Apr 05, 2020 10:44 am See - this is my whole point about the masks. False sense of security.

Do you know how many 6 ft violations you see on a sidewalk, let alone in a store? As Dave said also, and I'm sure he has had way more training than I have (maybe not this specific) the procedures/protocols for bio-safety are harsh. People trained in them fail them. People are a wreck. Touch the mask, the face, sleeves, gloves on/off all wrong. They are a mess.

Stay in if you don't have to go out. THAT is viral safety.
That's the same argument some use to take away our guns.

Some do wrong or have accidents with their gun ... so no one should have a gun.
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