Interesting morning at the gym

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Interesting morning at the gym

Post by Bmyers »

As I have posted, I'm back in to hitting the gym. I go around 3:30 in the morning and try to be heading home by 5 so I can get to work.

Well, part of my routine is that when I'm done working out, I go and lay in one of the massage beds (there are six beds divided with walls, but all in a common hallway, no doors).

So, I'm starting my massage and I hear a noise. I have my ear buds in, so a pause the music.

I listen and it sounds like a lady's voice and she seems to be in pain. I start to get up and I'm listening and realize, she isn't in pain. She seems to be really enjoying her massage table.

I just lay there trying not to bust up laughing. It lasted for about 5 minutes and she seemed to have a VERY GOOD massage.

Well the bed I'm in faces the entrance/exit door for the massage area so I can see everyone coming in and leaving. She comes walking around the corner and a greet her with a "Good morning".

She has that deer in the headlight look and doesn't know if she should run away or what and she is standing there stuttering. I reach up and remove my earbud and said "sorry, I couldn't hear what you were saying because of these earbuds". She quickly says good morning and then heads for the door.

Once she is gone I bust up laughing. She had no idea that I was in the bed next to her bed and that the earbuds was actually off.

Told the wife that she needs to come to the gym and see all the excitement.
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