Top FIVE Prepper Gray Man Failures!

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Top FIVE Prepper Gray Man Failures!

Post by David »


A man cannot call himself peaceful if he is not capable of violence. If he's not capable of violence he isn't peaceful, he is harmless. There is a distinct difference.

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Re: Top FIVE Prepper Gray Man Failures!

Post by Bob »

1. "Be lead to Guns and gear". Because - you know, people with guns and gear won't use them on you. As for the 3 Percenters, never heard of them. But based on my friend Googles explanation, I think I'd stay away. Sounds like people looking for an excuse to use their guns.
2. Optionally, maybe you use that stuff ALL THE TIME. If you carry 72 hours of get home gear on your belt, you are a loon. But again - that is your choice and you are not trying to be the Greyman.
3. Again - more extreme of a deal. If your EDC bag is that big, leave it in the car.
4. I am not a fan of open carry. It does say "Shoot me first" so again - nothing greyman there.
5. All-tac has a time and place. But again, not being a grey man.

If you are trying to blend in and do this stuff, you are stupid to survive. Not referring to your waist pack Dave.
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Re: Top FIVE Prepper Gray Man Failures!

Post by bdc »

I do not carry a pocket knife on a clip with the clip exposed as I am very gray.
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Re: Top FIVE Prepper Gray Man Failures!

Post by Mac66 »

Who elected him* Captain Obvious?

*the guy who made the video
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Re: Top FIVE Prepper Gray Man Failures!

Post by Bmyers »

You need to know your area and what is normal/acceptable to be able to blend in. My clothing fits in perfect for the community I live and work in. Yet, put me in a major city and I would stick out.
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Re: Top FIVE Prepper Gray Man Failures!

Post by David »

Bob wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2020 6:58 pm Not referring to your waist pack Dave.

I thought about the Maxpedition Lunada but I'm of the opinion that it's not really all that 'tactical' looking. In other words, I've seen other folks out and about with back packs and bags that have some pals webbing on them. While not total grey man I suppose, I don't think it screams 'prepper' either. I've never seen anyone giving me a second look or anyone else that has a similar bag. So I figure it is well within the acceptable range imo. And it does what I want it to do better than any other bag I've tried fro the same purpose.

As far as open carry goes, I'm for it. Not necessarily because I want to carry openly (although I suppose I do all the time when on duty), I would like to have that option. In other words, I think that any and all law abiding citizens have the right to carry how they wish to carry as a matter of the Constitutional right in-and-of-itself. I personally see restricting to a specific mode of carry (or what you can carry) as part of the 'shall not infringe' part of the 2A. However, carrying concealed is the more prudent normally. So I'd like to have both and then chose which I think is prudent rather than being told what I can and cannot do with my Constitutional right.

As far as carrying concealed, one of the things I like about my Sub 2K is the fact I can fold it up and carry it in a racketball bag. Not that I carry it anywhere except back and forth to the car, but I could if it became a necessity i.e. trying to get home on foot. It wouldn't draw any attention yet I could have it 'somewhat' available. Not for quick use, but in far less than 10 seconds I could have it ready for use.
A man cannot call himself peaceful if he is not capable of violence. If he's not capable of violence he isn't peaceful, he is harmless. There is a distinct difference.

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Re: Top FIVE Prepper Gray Man Failures!

Post by Bob »

I also support the right of any private business to throw you out if you walk in "open carrying" your AR. Or they don't like the distance between your eyes, the color of your skin, or your religion. Or your shirt is ugly. Or they just feel like it.

I'll throw out the guy with an AR before any of the others, because he will hurt business the most.
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Re: Top FIVE Prepper Gray Man Failures!

Post by Bmyers »

Bob wrote: Thu Jan 09, 2020 10:57 pm I also support the right of any private business to throw you out if you walk in "open carrying" your AR. Or they don't like the distance between your eyes, the color of your skin, or your religion. Or your shirt is ugly. Or they just feel like it.

I'll throw out the guy with an AR before any of the others, because he will hurt business the most.
Bob, this is one of those times I'm going to have to disagree with you. A private business that is open to the public should not have the right to throw out anyone who is not doing something illegal. Just because someone may offend you by their looks, doesn't give you grounds to discriminate against them.

If that individual tries to get you to do something against your beliefs, then we have an issue. If the person ask you to hold his/her AR while they try on a jacket, you have the right to refuse.

I have two examples that comes to mind, we had (he has since passed away) a gentleman that was badly injured in a refinery accident. His face was permanently disfigured from burns. He was extremely difficult to look at and as a kid, we would make fun of him. One day my dad caught me doing this and I couldn't sit down for a week. Dad took me over to the man and made me apologize and listen to the story the man had to tell. He ended up being one of the nicest people. A couple of years later, we were at a local restaurant and some teenagers was complaining to their waitress about how they couldn't eat their food because of the way he looked and wanted the waitress to make him leave. My whole family went over and asked if we could sit with him and he loved the company. The owner came out and told the teenagers that he wasn't asking the gentleman to leave and that they could leave, which they did.

The second example is across the street from where I grew up was a mentally challenged boy. I grew up around him and thought nothing about it and the whole family has become life long family friends (when my parents moved from the neighborhood and built a house, they bought the property next to my parents and built a house). One day she and her son was in the local grocery store and he needed to go pee. He doesn't verbally communicate and he has the mind of a 3-4 year old, but he was in his late 20s when this occurred. He got separated from his mom and he was trying to find the bathroom and she was looking all over the grocery store trying to find him. Well she heard a scream and headed straight there and he couldn't find the bathroom, so he started peeing in the corner. A lady was there and seen it and lost her mind, understandably so. My neighbor was completely embarrassed and offered to the store manager and lady to never come back again. The lady was very happy and said some less than kind things. The store manager who knew my neighbor for years quickly came to her and his defense and tried to explain to the lady, but ultimately the lady left mad and my neighbor shopped at the store for years until it was bought out and closed.

So, my point is that there is a fine line in my opinion on what a business should be able to do. Throwing people out for doing nothing illegal, a very dangerous precedent to set. If a business wants to control who walks through their doors, then make a private 'club' with membership requirements and rules.
Last edited by Bmyers on Mon Jan 13, 2020 2:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Top FIVE Prepper Gray Man Failures!

Post by Mac66 »

Bob wrote: Thu Jan 09, 2020 10:57 pm I also support the right of any private business to throw you out if you walk in "open carrying" your AR. Or they don't like the distance between your eyes, the color of your skin, or your religion. Or your shirt is ugly. Or they just feel like it.

I'll throw out the guy with an AR before any of the others, because he will hurt business the most.
The right to keep and BEAR arms is a constitutionally protected civil right at least in theory. it is the one thing you mentioned that is actually in the constitution. Therefore it would be unconstitutional to discriminate against someone who is bearing arms in whatever manner they see fit.
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Re: Top FIVE Prepper Gray Man Failures!

Post by David »

And IIRC, some states have passed legislation to the effect that if they are a gun-free zone they have the liability of making sure the customer remains safe while on the premise.
A man cannot call himself peaceful if he is not capable of violence. If he's not capable of violence he isn't peaceful, he is harmless. There is a distinct difference.

Fate whispers to the warrior "You cannot weather this storm". The warrior replies, "I am the storm".
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