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Re: Coronavirus

Post by tom mac »

still waiting for the large amounts of deaths to make all this seem like sense... ( no, not wanting people to die )
Every yr 12000-18000 from flu, still only about 200 in US, no one bitches about the flu.

Yes, makes sense to keep Grandmom safe, but to shut down entire economy makes me wonder.
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Re: Coronavirus

Post by Mac66 »

Most people who get it have fairly mild symptoms and some places are reporting that the fatality rate is much less than 3%. It's only high in those countries (Italy) which high concentrations of older people. I sometimes think it would be better to isolate those who are high risk but let it run it course through the general population. But that raises the odds of high risk people getting it because those that treat them are more at risk of being exposed if it runs through the general population.

My parents are in a facility that is on lockdown but the workers, maintenance, nurses, aides, etc are still coming and going. All it takes is one of them to be exposed and it will sweep through like wild fire.
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Re: Coronavirus

Post by Mac66 »

Here's an idea I just ran across. Make your own N95 face masks and/or donate them to medical facilities. My wife just dug out her sewing machine and my daughter who is still working sews as well. They are going to start cranking out masks for future use and to donate to the retirement and nursing home my parents are at. There is a PDF on the below link with instructions on ho to make. ... 6CVQ8cuyRM

And here is a another tip...

If you can't find hand sanitizer go to Home Depot/Lowes etc and buy denatured alcohol in the paint department. It is primarily used as fuel for alcohol burning things. Take it home, cut up some old t-shirts into hand sized pieces and soak them in the alcohol. Put them in a baggy and carry in your pocket to sanitize shopping carts, door handles, credit card terminals etc. Doubles as a fire starter :D
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Re: Coronavirus

Post by Bmyers »

Praying that the Z-pack and Plaquenil works. If this combination works, it is a game changer for the number of deaths and the length of restrictions. We go from looking to months of restrictions, to potentially being back on the path to recovery in May.

With an effective treatment, it allows time to develop the vaccine and eventually reduce this to the history books.
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Re: Coronavirus

Post by Bob »

went to Zombie Squad the other day. Man - they totally called this mess!
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Re: Coronavirus

Post by Bob »

My sources also say that treatment is on the way. Pharma stepping up production to unheard of levels. .Gov on the download just to be conservative and work legislation through during crisis peak...which will happen this week. Cases will go from 10's to hundreds.
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Re: Coronavirus

Post by David »

I've know this for a while, but the actual numbers of CV19 deaths have been over exaggerated many fold. The actual morbidity rate is around 0.03%. There were two doctors in Kalifornia that did an hour long video on this and how the hospitals are cooking the books. They get more $ is a patient is admitted with CV19 and even more $ if a respirator is prescribed. Deaths unrelated to CV19 are being recorded as CV19 deaths. Their video was removed by YT and the media is of course ignoring it. Another doctor stated on Fox that they are being 'encouraged' (read pressured) to record any death as CV19 regardless of the actual cause.

Hospitals, even in the supposed hot spots, are quiet and more or less empty. Citizen journalists around the country have gone on a twitter/instagram crusade filming their local hospitals and their all mostly empty. Not the 'war zone' the media is trying to project.

The new drug the CDC has approved costs $1000 per pill whereas Hydroxychloriquine costs 60 cents a pill and has well over a 90% success rate and also looks to be effective on flu as well.

Dr. Faucci seems to now be under investigation. In 2014 the U.S. stopped working on weaponizing CV19 and mandated all work and associated work stop. In 2015 Faucci funneled nearly 4 million of tax payers $ through that health organization he runs to the lab in Wuhan China that is suspected of leaking the virus (read...they did).
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Re: Coronavirus

Post by Mac66 »

On the other hand, people may be dying from CV19 who are undiagnosed or is just a contributing factor. The facility where my dad was has 4 confirmed dead but many more (it's a nursing home) who have died due to secondary complications. My dad had chest congestion on Friday and was dead by Sunday morning. They never tested him. The doctor said he died of congestive heart failure. There was CV19 on his floor.

My cousin's husband went into the hospital for pneumonia on a thursday was diagnosed with the virus on Friday and died on Saturday. Cause of death was pneumonia. In the case of vulnerable old people it's likely the preexisting condition that is listed as the cause of death.

I do believe the pandemic is over exaggerated as is the death rate and even the effects. Which I think is why people are clamoring to open things back up.
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Re: Coronavirus

Post by Bmyers »

IL has released the new return to normal plan. Based on the plan it will be 2021 or 2022 before the State will get to return to normal.

The five phases for each health region are as follows:

Phase 1

Rapid Spread: The rate of infection among those tested and the number of patients admitted to the
hospital is high or rapidly increasing. Strict stay at home and social distancing guidelines are put in place and only essential businesses remain open. Every region has experienced this phase once already, and could return to it if mitigation efforts are unsuccessful.

Phase 2

Flattening: The rate of infection among those tested and the number of patients admitted to the hospital
beds and ICU beds increases at an ever slower rate, moving toward a flat and even a downward trajectory. Nonessential retail stores reopen for curb-side pickup and delivery. Illinoisans are directed to wear a face covering when outside the home and can begin enjoying additional outdoor activities like golf, boating and fishing while practicing social distancing. To varying degrees, every region is experiencing flattening as of early May.

Phase 3

Recovery: The rate of infection among those surveillance tested, the number of patients admitted to the
hospital, and the number of patients needing ICU beds is stable or declining. Manufacturing, offices, retail,
barbershops and salons can reopen to the public with capacity and other limits and safety precautions. Gatherings limited to 10 people or fewer are allowed. Face coverings and social distancing are the norm.

Phase 4

Revitalization: The rate of infection among those surveillance tested and the number of patients admitted
to the hospital continues to decline. Gatherings of 50 people or fewer are allowed, restaurants and bars reopen, travel resumes, child care and schools reopen under guidance from the Illinois Department of Public Health. Face coverings and social distancing are the norm.

Phase 5

Illinois Restored: With a vaccine or highly effective treatment widely available or the elimination of any
new cases over a sustained period, the economy fully reopens with safety precautions continuing. Conventions, festivals and large events are permitted, and all businesses, schools and places of recreation can open with new safety guidance and procedures in place reflecting the lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Re: Coronavirus

Post by Bob »

Well, let's not make too much of "Illinois" and "Normal" being used in the same sentence...

And no $#!t those are the 5 phases. Impress oh mighty exalted Goobernor. What is the time table? And why? There are costs any way you slice it.

There are a lot of Blue States looking at this as an opportunity request unfettered funding. Why? It's easy right now and bad management is hidden by the ultimate excuse: Virus!/Save Lives!

eventual even the elderly will say "Forget me - you have lives to live. Get on with it. You are being chicken little wusses." My dad would have...long ago!
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