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Post by Bob »

Well, here is a juicy preparedness topic to dig into!

First, let me say that I prefer Dos Equis to Corona, so I'm not really worried... :lol:

However - Pandemic Outbreak is THE number one EOTWAWKI event, or major SHTF that is actually likely to happen, in my opinion. Way more so than EMP putting grid down, Blue Hats taking over, or any of that other silliness. So what does one do?

I'll say this again, because I have worked in Public Health, and been on conference calls with CDC updates: In a pandemic event, THE most important thing you can do is NOT come in contact with other people. That means stay home if at all possible.

What that DOES NOT mean is get as many N95 masks and rubber gloves and pretend you are on a CDC Hot Team. If you do that, you will fail, and you will likely get sick. Observe basic hygiene, and even consider a mask if you must, but don't pretend for a moment that you are doing anything truly significant.One slip and an accidental eye wip, nose-sniff at the wrong time, or forget to hand-sanitize and you are contaminated.


#1 Be fit/healthy! Always a good move SHTF or not
#2 Basic hygiene habits
#3 If it gets bad - arrange life to stay home/work from home if possible (That takes PREPARATION!)
- That also means Water, Food, etc....Which is why I always say food and water will get you through more SHTF events than any amount of bullets

Finally - Remember; If you DO get sick, you are sick in America. Even Ebola, while not fun, is generally not fatal! Relax, and remember, that your survival is a media spin opportunity. Unless you are immune compromised, elderly, etc. you may be unhappy for a time, even hospitalized, but will most likely survive.

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Re: Coronavirus

Post by David »

When an entire city gets quarantined it edges up on the 'let's monitor this situation' scale. I agree that the ability to stay home, if needed, is a very good idea. So food & water is always the go-to preps for short or long term. And of course wash your hands!
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Re: Coronavirus

Post by ratf51 »

I personally am keeping an eye on this. I have encouraged some of my friends to as well. One responded with "why the pessimism?" My response back was "not pessimism, precaution."

The scary bit with this is it is apparently airborne and has a longer incubation period during which a person is contagious. By the time symptoms appear they have been infecting people for a week or two.

It's time to get a few more groceries...
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Re: Coronavirus

Post by David »

Looking at the news this morning, the Chinese government seems to be in a panic. 56 million people quarantined and they'll be setting up mobile hospitals. The U.S. is evacuating diplomats and U.S. citizens from China. I'm not overly concerned with this newest illness but yes, precautions are always in order.

Also learned yesterday that the virus is actually patented. Which means it is manufactured. Which makes you ponder a few things...
A man cannot call himself peaceful if he is not capable of violence. If he's not capable of violence he isn't peaceful, he is harmless. There is a distinct difference.

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Re: Coronavirus

Post by Bmyers »

If you search coronavirus stolen from canada, you will find several articles that make it appear that the virus could of been stolen from a Canada research lab and taken to the Chinese lab to Wuhan. ... ed-chines/
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Re: Coronavirus

Post by Strayz »

I have been wondering if those articles have been to cause confusion as this one could get ugly and they are wanting to pre determine the fall guy (China.)

I am perplexed on how they already know how deadly it is. It does give those articles a bit of credibility, knowing that this could be another SARS or worse.
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Re: Coronavirus

Post by bdc »

If you believe in germ theory, you do what you have always been told to do: 1. avoid crowds, 2. wash your hands, 3. hydrate, 4. keep healthy, 5. stay home if you are sick.

I have had a couple of surgeries whereafter I had to take care of myself. So, I would add the following:
1. get your abode cleaned and straightened out now. It is depressing to be sick in a messy environment;
2. put aside some cans of stew and soup. You will want something quick and easy to prepare and clean up.
3. have some cash at home if you have to pay people to bring in stuff for you;
4. get your dental and medical work done, now. you will not be allowed into the hospital if you have epidemic symptoms and you belong to my HMO. They will not allow you in as they want to reserve space for surgeries.
5. putting aside things like Ebola, most people will get sick during an epidemic and not die. just anticipate some misery that you can prepare for now. Epidemics come in waves, just like the annual changing flu. By the end of year one, a vaccine will have been developed that will be in the range of 30-60% effective. It is more effective if everyone else gets a shot.
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Re: Coronavirus

Post by Bmyers »

I wonder if this scare will encourage people to get there flu shots? Last year in the US, 57,000 people died from the flu, yet people still won't get the flu shot. (I know the current vaccine doesn't work against the kung flu virus)
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Re: Coronavirus

Post by David »

I've never gotten the flu shot. I think it's a money scam first and foremost. But I also think they're pumping crap into people that is unnecessary. Just my personal 'conspiracy theory' opinion. :o
A man cannot call himself peaceful if he is not capable of violence. If he's not capable of violence he isn't peaceful, he is harmless. There is a distinct difference.

Fate whispers to the warrior "You cannot weather this storm". The warrior replies, "I am the storm".
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Re: Coronavirus

Post by Mac66 »

David wrote: Wed Jan 29, 2020 10:52 am I've never gotten the flu shot. I think it's a money scam first and foremost. But I also think they're pumping crap into people that is unnecessary. Just my personal 'conspiracy theory' opinion. :o
I've gotten the flu a couple times over the years. It wasn't fun. Anything I can do to keep from getting it, I'm doing it particularly since I'm older. That inlcudes getting a flu shot.

BTW, haven't had the flu since started getting flu shots.
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